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Ball War of 99 - posted by guest on 22nd August 2020 10:43:00 PM

*puts on glasses* It was a brutal year. Ballers from each side, east and west, competed against eachother for the most sacred traesure; the clout. Not a physical treasure, mind you, but a force. One of such power, that it's believed one with the full power of clout at their backs could grant any wish they may desire. And so, the conflict began. Many men and women competed against one another on the court, showing their best moves, and styling on those with no game. Many children lost their ankles in this tragic conflict. 

No one knows for sure who it was that broke the old vows, but through the ancient texts, we know how the war ended; the Chaos Dunk. A dunk of such magnitude, that every baller around the world felt its force. And so it was that the war ended, and ballers of that year hung up their Nikes, and the technique was forever sealed away, with the earnest hope that such horrors would never again be wrought upon the world.

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