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Gym Leader Challenge - posted by guest on 23rd November 2020 11:36:42 PM
*lost to an optional trainer
***lost to a mandatory trainer
Brock (L12-14):
def. Rival (Pidgey/Squirtle), Pewter Gym Jr. Trainer, Brock
gained 12.5% attack boost
Route 3: def. 3 Bug Catchers, Youngster (Rattata/Ekans), Lass (Jigglypuff)
*Mt. Moon: def. all trainers except Lass (L11 Oddish/Bellsprout, lost to Oddish) and Bug Catcher, Youngster and first Super Nerd (didn't fight)
***Cerulean Gym: def. Jr. Trainer F, lost to Swimmer (lost to Horsea) and Misty (lost to Staryu)
***lost to Rival (Cerulean, lost to Squirtle)
def. Rival (Cerulean, Charmander) (reset and tried to get stats relatively close to original run)
Nugget Bridge: def. 6 trainers
***Route 25: def. 3 Hikers, Youngster (Slowpoke), Lass (Nidoran M/F), lost to Lass (L13 Oddish/Pidgey/Oddish, lost to first Oddish)
Best victories: Rival (Cerulean, Charmander) / Youngster (L17 Slowpoke)
Misty (L18-21):
start with 12.5% attack boost
Mt. Moon: def. Lass (Oddish/Bellsprout)
Cerulean Gym: def. all
def. Rival (Cerulean, Bulbasaur)
Route 25: def. Lass (Oddish/Pidgey/Oddish)
def. Cerulean Rocket
Route 6: def. Jr. Trainer M (Squirtle)
Route 11: def. Engineer (Magnemite/Magnemite/Magneton)
S.S. Anne: def. Sailor (Machop/Tentacool), Rival (Ivysaur)
Vermilion Gym: def. all
gained 12.5% defense boost
Route 9: def. Lass (Oddish/Bellsprout/Oddish/Bellsprout)
Rock Tunnel: def. 2 Pokemaniacs (Cubone/Slowpoke; Slowpoke), 2 Jr. Trainer F's (Oddish/Bulbasaur; Bellsprout/Clefairy)
***lost to Rival (Pokemon Tower, lost to L23 Gyarados-2nd of 5)
Route 12: def. 2 Fishermen (Tentacool/Goldeen; Goldeen)
Rocket Hideout: def. 2 Rocket guards and Giovanni
***Celadon Gym: lost to Erika (lost to Victreebel), def. Beauty (Exeggcute), lost to all other trainers, def. Lass's L23 Bellsprout, Jr. Trainer's L24 Bulbasaur, Lass's L23 Oddish, Cooltrainer's L24 Weepinbell
def. Rival (Pokemon Tower, Wartortle) (reset and tried to get stats relatively close to original run)
Pokemon Tower: def. 3 Channelers (L23 Gastly; L23 Haunter; L22 Gastly x3), Marowak, wild Haunter (L28), all 3 Rockets
*Fighting Dojo: def. 3 Blackbelts, lost to Blackbelt (L36 Primeape), def. Karate Master's Hitmonlee
def. Snorlax
*Cycling Road: def. Biker (L29 Weezing/Muk), didn't fight other Bikers that might have won, particularly ones with 2 Weezings
Route 12: def. Rocker (L29 Voltorb/Electrode) and Jr. Trainer M (L29 Nidoran M/Nidorino)
*Route 13: lost to Jr. Trainer F (L28 Goldeen/Poliwag/Horsea, lost to Horsea), def. Jr. Trainer (Pidgey/Meowth/Rattata/Pikachu/Meowth), 2 Beauties (Rattata/Pikachu/Rattata; Clefairy/Meowth)
*Route 15: lost to Jr. Trainer F (L29 Pikachu/Raichu, lost to Raichu) def. Jr. Trainer F (Clefairy) and Beauty (Pidgeotto/Wigglytuff)
*Route 18: lost to Bird Keeper (L34 Dodrio)
*Route 19: lost to Swimmer (L29 Goldeen/Horsea/Staryu, lost to Staryu), def. Swimmer (Tentacool/Shellder)
***Fuchsia Gym: lost to mandatory Juggler (L31 Drowzee/Drowzee/Kadabra/Drowzee, lost to Kadabra, def. 2 Drowzees), lost to Juggler (L38 Hypno)
***Silph Co: lost to Blue (Blastoise, lost to L35 Exeggcute, def. L37 Pidgeot and L38 Growlithe), lost to Rocket (L33 Hypno), lost to Scientist (L28 Voltorb/Koffing/Magneton, lost to Magneton), lost to Rocket (L28 Golbat/Drowzee/Hypno, lost to Hypno), def. Juggler (L29 Kadabra/Mr. Mime) and Rocket (L33 Arbok)
Best victories: Lt. Surge / Snorlax / Biker (L29 Weezing/Muk) / 3 Blackbelts in Fighting Dojo (L31-32) and L37 Hitmonlee / Rival's L37 Pidgeot and L38 Growlithe
Lt. Surge (L18-24):
def. Brock
gained 12.5% attack boost
Vermilion Gym: def. all except Gentleman (Pikachu)
missed 12.5% defense boost, forgot to win badge after resetting
S.S. Anne: def. rival (Ivysaur)
def. wild Diglett (L19) and Dugtrio (L29)
Route 9: def. Lass (Oddish/Bellsprout/Oddish/Bellsprout)
Rock Tunnel: def. Pokemaniac (Cubone/Slowpoke), Hiker (Geodude/Geodude/Graveler)
def. Rival (Pokemon Tower, Ivysaur)
Rocket Hideout: def. 2 Rocket guards and Giovanni
accidentally saved after winning, leaving Voltorb ~100 exp from L22 and Raichu ~700 exp from L25 / should roughly cancel out missed 12.5% defense boost
***Celadon Gym: lost to Erika (lost to Vileplume), def. Beauty (Exeggcute) and Cooltrainer (Weepinbell/Gloom/Ivysaur)
*Fighting Dojo: def. 2 Blackbelts (L36 Primeape; L31 Mankey/Mankey/Primeape), lost to Blackbelt (L31 Machop/Mankey/Primeape), def. Karate Master's Hitmonlee
Pokemon Tower: def. first mandatory Channeler (L23 Gastly/Gastly), wild Haunter (L28)
def. Snorlax
Route 12: def. Rocker (L29 Voltorb/Electrode)
Route 15: def. Jr. Trainer (L29 Pikachu/Raichu)
Cycling Road: def. Biker (L28 Weezing/Koffing/Weezing)
*Fuchsia Gym: didn't attempt to fight Tamers with Sandslash, def. 2 mandatory Jugglers (L31 Drowzee/Drowzee/Kadabra/Drowzee; L34 Drowzee/Hypno) and Koga
gained 12.5% speed boost
***Silph Co: lost to Blue (Venusaur, lost to L35 Alakazam, def. L37 Pidgeot, L38 Gyarados and L35 Growlithe)
*Power Plant: def. wild Electabuzz (L33), lost to Zapdos
*Cinnabar Mansion: lost to Scientist (L33 Magnemite/Magneton/Voltorb, lost to Magneton), def. Burglar (L38 Ninetales)
***Cinnabar Gym: lost to Super Nerd (L41 Rapidash), lost to Blaine (lost to L47 Arcanine, def. L42 Growlithe, L40 Ponyta, L42 Rapidash)
Best victories: Koga (L37-43) / 3/4 of Blaine's team (L40-42)
Erika (L24-29):
start with 12.5% attack and defense boost
Celadon Gym: def. Cooltrainer (Weepinbell/Gloom/Ivysaur) and Erika
Fighting Dojo: def. 2 Blackbelts (Machop/Mankey/Primeape; Primeape) and Karate Master
Route 18: def. Bird Keeper (L34 Dodrio)
Fuchsia Gym: def. 2 mandatory Jugglers (L31 Drowzee/Drowzee/Kadabra/Drowzee; L34 Drowzee/Hypno) and Koga
gained 12.5% speed boost
Silph Co: def. rival (Blastoise) and Giovanni
***Saffron Gym: def. Channeler (L38 Haunter), lost to Sabrina (lost to Kadabra-1st of 4)
*Power Plant: lost to Zapdos
*Seafoam Islands: didn't attempt to fight Articuno
***Cinnabar Gym: def. Super Nerd (L41 Rapidash), lost to Blaine (lost to L42 Rapidash, def. L42 Growlithe, L40 Ponyta)
Best victories: Koga (L37-43) / Rival (Blastoise, Silph Co, L35-40) / Super Nerd (L41 Rapidash) / Blaine's L42 Growlithe and L40 Ponyta
Karate Master (L37):
start with 12.5% attack and defense boost
Fighting Dojo: def. all
Celadon Gym: def. Erika
Pokemon Tower: def. rival (Ivysaur), first mandatory Channeler (L23 Gastly/Gastly)
def. Snorlax
Route 18: def. Bird Keeper (L34 Dodrio)
Fuchsia Gym: def. 2 mandatory Jugglers (L31 Drowzee/Drowzee/Kadabra/Drowzee; L34 Drowzee/Hypno) and Koga
gained 12.5% speed boost
***Silph Co: lost to rival (lost to Venusaur) (could possibly beat easier Charizard and Blastoise teams then Giovanni, before guaranteed loss to Sabrina)
*didn't attempt to fight Articuno or Zapdos
Cinnabar Gym: def. Blaine
Best victories: Koga (L37-43) / Blaine (L40-47)
Koga (L37-43):
start with 12.5% attack and defense boost
Fuchsia Gym: def. 3 Jugglers (Drowzee/Drowzee/Kadabra/Drowzee; Hypno; Drowzee/Hypno), Tamer (Sandslash/Arbok) and Koga
gained 12.5% speed boost
Silph Co: def. rival (Venusaur) and Giovanni (used 4 X Attacks during Pidgeot's Agility AI glitch)
Saffron Gym: def. Channeler (Haunter) and Sabrina
Cinnabar Gym: def. Blaine (only used 2 X Attacks during Growlithe's Agility)
gained 12.5% special boost
def. Zapdos and Articuno
Viridian Gym: def. Cooltrainer (Rhyhorn) and Giovanni
Route 22: def. rival (Venusaur) (didn't take advantage of Pidgeot's Agility, used 6 X Attacks during Growlithe's (4th of 6) Agility before Alakazam and Venusaur)
Victory Road: def. Moltres and Cooltrainer M (L43 Kingler/Tentacruel/Blastoise) (might have lost if not for Tentacruel's Barrier)
def. Lorelei (didn't take advantage of Dewgong's Rest or Slowbro's Amnesia)
def. Bruno
***lost to Agatha (def. 3/5 in two battles: L56 Gengar, L56 Golbat, L55 Haunter/L58 Arbok)
Best victories: Sabrina (L37-43) / Giovanni (L42-50) / Lorelei (L53-56) / Bruno (L53-58)
Sabrina (L37-43):
start with 12.5% attack, defense and speed boost
Saffron Gym: def. Psychic (Slowbro), Channeler (Gastly/Gastly/Haunter) and Sabrina
def. Articuno and Zapdos
Cinnabar Gym: def. Blaine
gained 12.5% special boost
Viridian Gym: def. Giovanni
Route 22: def. rival (Venusaur)
Victory Road: def. Juggler (L48 Mr. Mime) and Moltres
def. Lorelei
def. Bruno
def. Agatha
def. Lance (used Venomoth/Agility-Barrier strategy on 2 Dragonairs and Dragonite)
def. champion (Blastoise)
forgot to reset before auto-save, leaving Alakazam at L44
def. Mewtwo
*lost to Prof. Oak (lost to Venusaur-4th of 5)
Best victories: Articuno (L50) / Zapdos (L50) / Lorelei (L53-56) / Agatha (L55-60) / Lance (L56-62) / Champion (L59-65) / Mewtwo (L70)
Blaine (L40-47):
start with 12.5% attack and defense boost
def. Koga
gained 12.5% speed boost
Silph Co: def. rival (Blastoise) (in teams with L35/38 Gyarados it would use Hydro Pump every turn, Ponyta and Rapidash would outspeed it and probably win with Fire Spin)
Saffron Gym: def. Sabrina
Cinnabar Gym: def. 2 Super Nerds (Vulpix/Vulpix/Ninetales; Rapidash) and Blaine
gained 12.5% special boost
Sea Route 21: def. Swimmer (L33 Seadra/Tentacruel)
def. L55 Magmar (link battle: no items or badge boosts, opponent's move selected randomly)
def. L55 Charizard (")
*lost to team of L45 Aerodactyl/Kabutops/Omastar (lost to Omastar) (")
def. Articuno and Zapdos
Viridian Gym: def. Giovanni
Route 22: def. rival (Blastoise)
*Victory Road: def. Moltres, lost to Cooltrainer M (L43 Kingler/Tentacruel/Blastoise, lost to Blastoise)
def. Lorelei
def. Bruno
def. Agatha
***lost to Lance (lost to 1st Dragonair-2nd of 5) (best chance of winning would be a Fire Blast burn / Hydro Pump miss combo, then switch Arcanine out - only a 1 in 20 chance and would need to be followed by even more luck)
Best victories: Rival (Blastoise, Route 22, L45-53) / Lorelei (L53-56) / Bruno (L53-58) / Agatha (L55-60)
Giovanni (L42-50):
start with 12.5% attack and defense boost
Team I (L24-29):
Celadon Gym: def. Erika
gained 12.5% speed boost
Team II (L35-41):
***lost to rival (Blastoise, Silph Co, lost to Alakazam-4th of 5)
Team III (L42-50):
Silph Co: def. rival (Blastoise)
Saffron Gym: def. Sabrina
Cinnabar Gym: def. Blaine
gained 12.5% special boost
def. Zapdos and Articuno
Viridian Gym: def. Cooltrainer M (Sandslash/Dugtrio), Blackbelt (Machoke) and Giovanni
Route 22: def. rival (Blastoise)
Victory Road: def. Cooltrainer M (Kingler/Tentacruel/Blastoise)
***lost to Lorelei (lost to Jynx-4th of 5)
def. Red (L39 Poliwrath, L46 Pikachu, L44 Eevee, L44 Clefable, L48 Snorlax, L50 Charizard) (link battle: no items or badge boosts, opponent uses random moves with AI modifications 1 and 3 without the bugs: http://wiki.pokemonspeedru...llow_Trainer_AI)
Best victories: Rival (Blastoise, Route 22, L45-53) / Red (L39-50)
Final ranking (performance relative to level)
1. Sabrina
2. Blaine
3. Koga
4. Lt. Surge
5. Erika
6. Misty
7. Giovanni
8. Karate Master
9. Brock