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Who id:

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<font style="font-family:  'Dawning of a New Day', sans-serif; font-size: 69pt; line-height:80px; color: #e7c7c7; text-shadow: 0px 0px 0px #; background-color: #855a5a; text-transform:; letter-spacing: 0px; display:block;"><font color="f0dbdb">L</font>aylie<font color="f0dbdb">R</font>ose</font>


<center><font style="font-family:  'Oswald', sans-serif; font-size: 45pt; line-height:80px; color: #dab5b0; text-shadow: 0px 0px 0px #; background-color: #855a5a; text-transform:uppercase; letter-spacing: 4px; display:block;">Hawthorne<font color="e7c7c7">*</font></font>

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<center><k7>it's the most wonderful time of the year</k7>

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<div style="background-color:#855a5a; width:auto; height:250; border:3px solid #958675; padding:10px 5px; text-align:justify; margin:10px; overflow:auto;">

Living in Savannah, Georgia Laylie didn't think she would ever leave. She loved it at home. Growing up she pretty much lived an easy life. At least through her childhood up until her freshman year in high school. She had done many things to occupy her time. Keeping her busy had been something her mother made sure to do. In such a small town neighborhood anything bad was possible. With not too much to do getting involved in drugs or drinking had been an easy slip for anyone. She was put in camp numerous summers and has taken up a passion in dance. She was inspired mostly by her mother’s passion for it as well. Quickly learning it was her passion as well. During her high school years her passion continued to grow. Her mother had saw so much potential in her and moved them to New York, knowing Laylie could become a great dancer. Her mother had done her best to provide for them all of Laylie's life, something Laylie had never taken for granted. The whole nine yards. It was clear that it was not always easy, but her mother always found a way. When she finished high school she knew exactly what she wanted to do. Having put so much into her dance career in the small town she wanted to go to the big city and attend Julliard. Which she was fortunate to have the opportunity to apply and be accepted. It took a number of re apply herself to her routines but she was doing a good job. It earned her the rightful spot in that school.</br>

It was her second year at Julliard when her mother had been visiting for the holidays. This time they were going to try to spend them in New York as a family. Of course her parents were still divorced but slowly they were finding their way back. Everything seemed to be just marvelous for the Daniels family. Everything she could have wanted had been slowly but surely coming together. Now it was just needed to be set in stone. She was an only child so it was up to her to make sure both parents knew that no matter what they did decide after this holiday season she would support and love them both. Not everyone can look past things such as an affair and not everyone can have that happy ending.</br>

It was the big night for Laylie. Her recital performance, her final piece of her Julliard career. Something she pieced together just for her mother. She was excited for her to see it. It was getting close to the time. As she kept peeking out of her curtain to see if her mother had been there in front row she couldn't spot her. She was anxiously waiting for her. She knew there had to be some traffic. It was not only New York but it had been snowing out and she was sure the roads were a tad bit icy. She never showed that night though. It was right after her performance when she received the news about her mother’s accident. Leaving right away to the hospital she waited and waited hours upon hours. The news was tragic. Her mother had passed away and she couldn't help but think of it as being her fault. Moving out of her mother’s home she used some of her trust fund money to get her own place. She attended sessions of therapy 4 nights a week to start. She blamed herself for her mother’s death. If she hadn't been so persistent on her coming she would have been alive.</br>

About a year now has passed and she dropped down to one session a week and was starting to live her life again. She had to. She knew her mother would want her to. There had been so much more out there for Laylie to learn and experience. She was now living not just for herself but for her mother and her grieving father.Traveling back and forth Laylie had a terrible time. It was worth it though. She never though she would see the day that she would move back to Manhattan. However, that day came. It was a tumor the doctor wasn't sure if they were able to remove it this time.</br>

Now, Laylie was living back in Manhattan. Though she didn't live at home with him. She lived close by; she was rooming with her best friend Eric Newman.Though she hit a rough patch, Laylie was getting back on track and things were looking up for her. She recently got back with her ex-boyfriend Nick and the pair was working perfectly with their relationship. It wasn’t long before she was working her last bit of coursework and making her way towards graduation. Then her world turned around and she found she was pregnant. Nervous to tell Nick, she wasn’t sure how to go about the topic but once it was out, the couple was over the moon ecstatic. It was news neither was expecting but it was perfect.</br>

Laylie had taken time off from dance and Nick began working less so they could prepare for the baby.Soon Laylie had gotten another shock of her life. Nick had proposed to her over a romantic night out to dinner after a day spent together. It was the perfect proposal and perfect ring to match. While planning for the wedding, Laylie eventually gave birth to Mary Elisabeth Hawthorne on May 21, 2015. The couple immediately dived into parenthood and Laylie got back into dance. She soon did her final showcase and graduated proudly from Julliard. Finally graduated and in the swing of motherhood, Laylie continued to plan her dream wedding as she began dancing for Dance Manhattan. Taking life into her own hands, Laylie continued her career as a professional dancer as well as motherhood; with the help of Nick by her side. On June 17, 2015, Nick and Laylie had gone to the courthouse and had a small ceremony for their marriage. Both had agreed that they would later have their dream wedding once their lives calmed down a bit for a short amount of time.</br>


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<center><k7>Been an awful good girl, Santa baby</k7>

</td></tr></table></td></tr></table><br /><table bordercolor="ffffff" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="450" bgcolor="ffffff" border="0"><tr><td class="text" valign="left" align="left" width="450" bgcolor="ffffff" height="0" style="word-wrap:break-word"></td></tr><tr><td><table bordercolor="000000" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="450" align="left" bgcolor="ffffff" border="0"><td valign="top" align="left" width="450" bgcolor="ffffff" style="word-wrap:break-word">

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<font style="font-family:  'Dawning of a New Day', sans-serif; font-size: 55pt; line-height:80px; color: #e7c7c7; text-shadow: 0px 0px 0px #; background-color: #855a5a; text-transform:; letter-spacing: 0px; display:block;"><font color="f0dbdb">N</font>ick<font color="f0dbdb">H</font>awthorne</font>


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<div style="background-color:#855a5a; width:auto; height:275; border:3px solid #958675; padding:10px 5px; text-align:justify; margin:10px; overflow:auto;">

<b>Status:</b> <t>Happily</t><f>Married</f>


<b>To Whom:</b> <f>Nick Hawthorne</f>


<b>Since:</b> June 17 - <t>2015</t>


<b>Song:</b> <f>Love me like you do</f> - <t>Ellie Goulding</t>


<b>Comments:</b> “And when her lips met mine, I knew that I could live to be a hundred and visit every country in the world, but nothing would ever compare to that single moment when I first kissed the girl of my dreams and knew that my love would last forever.”


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<center><k7>last christmas I gave you my heart</k7>

</td></tr></table></td></tr></table><br /><table bordercolor="ffffff" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="450" bgcolor="ffffff" border="0"><tr><td class="text" valign="left" align="left" width="450" bgcolor="ffffff" height="0" style="word-wrap:break-word"></td></tr><tr><td><table bordercolor="000000" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="450" align="left" bgcolor="ffffff" border="0"><td valign="top" align="left" width="450" bgcolor="ffffff" style="word-wrap:break-word">

<img src="https://images2.imgbox.com/c8/1c/mFWS2cSr_o.png"></a>


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I <t>don't</t> want a <f>lot</f> for <b>Christmas</b>, there is just one thing I <t>need</t>. I don't care about the <f>presents</f> underneath the Christmas <b>tree</b>. I just want <t>you</t> for my <f>own</f> more than <b>you</b> could ever <t>know</t>. Make my <f>wish</f> come true <b>all</b> I want for <t>Christmas</t> is <f>you</f>. <font color="c75c5c">🎁</font> <font color="e7c7c7">🎄</font> <font color="cbb48f">🎅</font> <font color="c75c5c">🎁</font> <font color="e7c7c7">🎄</font> <font color="cbb48f">🎅</font>



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<center><k7>merry christmas to you</k7>

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<b>BIRTH NAME ▪ ETYMOLOGY ▪ NICKNAMES:</b> On her birth certificate, her name is stated as <t>Laylie Rose Daniels</t>.| Her married name is <f>Laylie Rose Hawthorne</f>. <br>

<div style="width:220px; padding-top:3px; padding-bottom:3px; padding-left:10px; padding-right:10px;">

<b>▪</b> The name <t>'Laylie'</t> Hebrew Meaning: The name Laylie is a Hebrew baby name. In Hebrew the meaning of the name Laylie is: <f>Nightfall</f>. People with this name have a deep inner desire for a stable, loving family or community, and a need to work with others and to be appreciated. They tend to initiate events, to be leaders rather than followers, with powerful personalities. They also tend to be focused on specific goals, experience a wealth of creative new ideas, and have the ability to implement these ideas with efficiency and determination.</div>


<b>▪</b> <t>Rose</t>: Scottish Meaning: The name Rose is a Scottish baby name. In Scottish the meaning of the name Rose is: <f>Flower</f>. American Meaning: The name Rose is an American baby name. People with this name have a deep inner desire to inspire others in a higher cause, and to share their own strongly held views on spiritual matters. People with this name tend to be creative and excellent at expressing themselves. They are drawn to the arts, and often enjoy life immensely. They are often the center of attention, and enjoy careers that put them in the limelight. When it comes to nick names Laylie normally answers to anything. Most people tend to call her Lay .


<b>BIRTHDAY ▪ AGE:</b> Laylie is <f>23</f> years old.<br>

<b>BIRTHPLACE ▪ CURRENT LOCATION:</b> Laylie is born and raised <t>Savannah, Georgia</t>. She had lived there her entire life before she moved to <f>Manhattan, New York</f>. She lived with her father for a little before moving to Staten Island. When her father passed and her and Nicholas became more serioius she relocated to Manhattan, New York. She currently resides in Manhattan.<br>

<b>RELATIVES:</b> <t>Richard Logan Daniels</t> (<f>Father, Deceased</f>) - Laylie had been very close with her father. He had moved away when she was 12 years old due to divorce. Though he had an affair she tried to see it from both of her parents views. She remained loyal to both parents. He was a surgeon. One of the best and well known through out Manhattan. He passed away due to cancer. <t>Mary Amelia Daniels</t> (<f>Mother, Deceased</f>) - Laylie had lived with her mother during the divorce so she could finish up high school. She was accepted into Juilliard and moved to New York. Her mother had supported everything she had ever done. Traveling to New York to watch her showcase. She was in a fatal and tragic car accident that left her mother holding on for dear life. Though she ended up passing away. <t>Mary Elisabeth Hawthorn</t> (<f>Daughter/Alive</f>) - Mary is the daughter of Nicholas and Laylie Hawthorne. She was named right after Laylie's mother.<br>

<b>SEXUAL ORIENTATION ▪ MARITAL STATUS:</b> Laylie is attracted to those of the <t>opposite sex</t>. She is a newlywed to her husband <f>Nicholas Hawthorne</f>.<br>

<b>EDUCATION ▪ OCCUPATION:</b> Laylie is currently a <t>student</t> at the <f>University of New York</f>. She is majoring in pre-dentistry. She had recently graduated from Juilliard where dance is still a very huge part of her life. She often goes out for broadway shows.


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