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Untitled - posted by guest on 22nd June 2020 02:52:19 PM
The BlackPill Project
This is a /pol/ project, for people who think they have been redpilled but are unawarely have been born into a constitutionalized political-orthodox way of thinking, supporting the very system built to destroy & enslave the European peoples in the systems propagated doublethink and its subjected organised faith, in supporting this system of established foreign faith and systematic solution we en masse indirectly support a platform that was established to allow our aggressors to expand their influence and in a final effort, to conquer our diverse Europid race.
In this project we call upon to readapt the Pre-Christian ancient folk-faith of Europe, a call to expanding your knowledge on the system and how in supporting a government solution indirectly supports our enemy in our political ideologues; i.e. (Fascism, National-Socialism, Republicanism, Far-Right, etc). The two main "notorious" scholars we'd like to call upon in Project BlackPill is Ted Kaczynski (Unabomber), & Varg Vikernes (Thulean Perspective), you may or may not already have a bias towards these two figureheads but let not your bias blind you from at the very least understanding what solutions are to be considered among a plan of action for saving our holy race from mongrelization. This project doesn't call for Schizo-Conspiracy causes like reptilians, Illuminati, aliens, matrix, nor Left/Right ideologue, it's a call to adapt a higher-level of understanding on how to defeat our common (((enemy))) on a sociopolitical level and on how to properly eradicate all forms of its political regrowth & agenda, we urge you to consider it in the alternative way of pursuing this common goal, to think outside the box.
Thinking outside the theoretically established box:
Industrial Society & Its Future **
UN's Anti-White sentiment:
Indigenous Replacement Migration
The war of Abrahamism on Ancient ethno-Faith:
ættarspillar **
The Holy War **
Christianity so-called native Religion *
Europa's spiritual struggle:
Understanding the Folk Faith *
The reality of Race:
Text marked with [*] is considered important for your viewing
Text marked with [**] is considered essential for your viewing if you're too ADHD
This project was created for Educational Purposes