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Mangal Dosha Analysis Report - posted by guest on 14th July 2020 09:06:27 PM

Mangal Dosha Analysis Report

The person is Manglik
The person is Manglik and since Mars is positioned in the 4th house, it indicates mild Manglik Dosha
However The person's Mangal dosha has been cancelled due to following reasons:

Mars is in conjunction or aspected by Mercury.
Mars is said to have a maturity age of 28. The malefic effects of Mars reduce after the age of 28.

Name of Person      Brittany Petros
Day & Date of Birth Mon, 9/9/1974
Time of Birth    12:00 AM
Place of Birth    Robbinsdale, Minnesota, United States
Nakshatra    Rohini
Janma Rasi    Vrishabha (Taurus)
Zodiac Sign    Virgo
Ascendant    Mithuna
Ayanamsa    Lahiri
Time Zone     CDT (-05:00)

How to Cancel Negative Effect of Manglik Dosha

    It is considered that if a manglik person marries to another manglik person then the manglik dosha gets cancelled and has no effect.
    Worship Lord Hanuman by reciting Hanuman Chalisa daily & visit the temple of Lord Hanuman on Tuesdays.
    The ill effects of Manglik Dosha can be cancelled by performing a "Kumbh Vivah" in which the manglik marries a banana tree, a peepal tree, or a statue of God Vishnu before the actual wedding.
    The ill effects of Manglik Dosha can be reduced with the application of Special Pooja, Mantras, Gemstones and Charities.
    Donate blood on a Tuesday in every three months, if health permits.
    Feed birds with something sweet.
    Worship banyan tree with milk mixed with something sweet.
    Start a fast in a rising moon period on a Tuesday.

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