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Untitled - posted by guest on 15th April 2020 01:23:09 AM
// ==UserScript==
// @name Magma Time Finder
// @namespace sljackson.co.uk
// @description Refreshes the Magma Pool page every 5 minutes until your magma time is found.
// @include *neopets.com/magma/pool.phtml
// @include http://www.neopets.com/magma/pool.phtml
// @grant metadata
// ==/UserScript==
var strHTML = document.body.innerHTML;
var yourTime = new Date();
if(strHTML.indexOf("I'm sorry, only those well-versed in the ways of Moltara are permitted to enter the Pool.") < 0){
} else {
var lastCheck = document.createElement("div");
lastCheck.innerHTML = "Last Check: " + yourTime.toString();
var parent = document.getElementsByClassName("content")[0];
parent.insertBefore(lastCheck, parent.children[1]);
window.setTimeout(function(){window.location.reload() ;},300000) ;