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Gym Leader Challenge - posted by guest on 2nd December 2020 01:02:13 AM

*lost to an optional trainer 

***lost to a mandatory trainer 

Falkner (L7-9): 

Violet Gym: def. 2 Bird Keepers and Falkner 

gained 12.5% attack boost and 12.5% flying boost 

Sprout Tower: def. Elder (L7 Bellsprout x2, L10 Hoothoot) (won comfortably, didn't need badge boosts) 

Union Cave: def. Hiker (L11 Onix) 

Route 33: def. Hiker (L11 Geodude/Machop) 

Slowpoke Well: def. final Rocket M (L14 Koffing) 

Azalea Gym: def. Bugsy 

***Azalea Town: lost to rival (L12 Gastly, L14 Zubat, L16 Bayleef, lost to Bayleef) 

Best victories: Hiker Anthony (L11 Geodude/Machop) / Bugsy (L14-16) 

Bugsy (L14-16): 

start with 12.5% attack boost 

Route 33: def. Hiker (L11 Geodude/Machop) 

Azalea Gym: def. Bug Catcher (L7 Weedle, L9 Kakuna, L12 Beedrill) and Bugsy 

gained 12.5% bug boost 

Azalea Town: def. rival (L12 Gastly, L14 Zubat, L16 Bayleef) (would easily defeat Croconaw team, probable close win over Quilava team) 

*Route 34: lost to Officer (L17 Growlithe) 

***Goldenrod Gym: lost to Whitney (lost to Miltank) 

*Route 35: lost to Officer (L14 Growlithe x2) and Firebreather (L11&13 Magmar), def. Bird Keeper (L12 Pidgey, L14 Pidgeotto) 

*National Park: lost to Pokefan M (L14 Raichu) 

Best victories: Hiker Anthony (L11 Geodude/Machop) / Rival (L12 Gastly, L14 Zubat, L16 Bayleef) / Bird Keeper Bryan (L12 Pidgey, L14 Pidgeotto)

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