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DRAVEN'S LAYOUT - posted by guest on 30th December 2020 11:04:40 PM


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<legend>My Fucked Up Life</legend>

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<img src="https://i.imgur.com/IT39bvf.jpg" width="80" height="80">

<p>Draven Alexander Wolfe was born on a frostbitten wintery night in mid-February in a hospital in Cincinnati, OH. He had a happy childhood, growing up with his mother and older sister. His mother was a nurse and his father an Obstetrician at the University of Cincinnati Hospital. They lived in Cincinnati until his father Alexander was offered a job in New York at New York-Presbyterian Hospital to head their Obstetrics department. At age six Draven and his family moved to Brooklyn to start their lives over in the city that never slept. Everything was perfect for their little family of four, on the surface at least. </p>

<p>Kaleigh and Draven were like night and day. Especially after they arrived back in NYC, while Draven wanted to play music and make things with their mom. When Kaleigh went off to college that was when Draven really began to rebel, he began skipping school until at age sixteen Draven went to his parents to tell them he would be taking his GED exam. His love for music took over as he had started playing clubs, wanting to give his music career all his attention to pursue his dreams of becoming a rockstar. It wasn't an easy road, to say the least. For years he played every club and bar he could until he finally started getting noticed. At eighteen his band Venom released their first self-promoted album. It wasn't until he was twenty that he finally started to get noticed by major labels, soon he was shot into stardom. </p>

<p>Draven is very passionate about his spiritual path. Following a pagan religion, he worships the old gods and goddesses. He is a Priest of God Hades, King of the Underworld. A man of empathetic and psychic abilities, as well as versed in all manner of divination. He also meditates every evening at the same time in the same location regardless of the weather. It was his extreme devotion to the old gods that helps him keep his own demons under control. </p>


<p>He owns a beautiful house in Queens with a nice sized garden. He also has a beautiful rooftop garden thanks to his lovely friend Astro. There is an altar set up to the Goddess Gaia on the rooftop garden as well. He has three dogs, Hades, Gaia, and Nyx, and three cats Apollo, Artemis they are a bonded pair, and Hera that adopted him. While he currently lives in Queens, his night club Venom is located in Manhattan. He owns the building it is housed in and a few others in the city with apartments for tenants




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<!------------RIGHT SIDE IMAGE------------>

<center><img src="https://i.imgur.com/2yHQ809.jpg" width="320" height="150" style="margin:20px 0 0 0;"></center>


<h1><tt>Draven Alexander Wolfe</tt></h1>


<blockquote>I'm gonna get out if it's the last thing that I do. And in my heart, my fifteen minutes are burned through, I won't come back, To fall off track. The way that I survived,

It's a violent world, but today I'm still alive.</blockquote>

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<!------------BASIC INFO---------------->

<a href="#basjzd" class="j4 jm-1"><h2>Basic Info</h2><h3>get to know me</h3></a>

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<img src="https://i.imgur.com/annXdM0.jpg" width="250" height="500" class="jimg1">

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<h4>Basic Information


<small>Tattooed necks and tattooed hands</small>


<div class="box2-jzd">

<b>Full Name</b></b> Draven Alexander Wolfe<br>

<b>Nickname/Alias</b> Drav (Astro), Andy Black (Stage Name)<br>

<b>Meaning</b> Draven means of the Raven. Alexander means to ward off, keep off, turn away, defend, protect. The name Wolfe is German and means Battle. <br>

<b>Signature</b> Rush and frantic typical of a rockstar. <br>

<b>Gender</b>: Male<br>

<b>Gender Role</b> Masculine but can rock eyeliner and mascara like nobody's business<br>

<b>Orientation</b> Heterosexual<br>

<b>Age </b> 26<br>

<b>Birthday</b> February 18th, <br>

<b>Birthplace</b> Cincinnati OH<br>

<b>Astrological Sign</b> Aquarius<br>

<blockquote><b>info about astro:</b>

 An Aquarius is incredibly open-minded and tends to think and do things differently than others. They think for themselves and like to keep an open mind about things. They don’t like to judge a book by its cover. This sign is the most humanitarian of all the 12 zodiac signs. They are kind and compassionate and really enjoy working for the service of humanity. Aquarius has a huge heart and a soft corner for all the humanitarian issues of the world. Aquarians have a creative mindset. They take pride in using art as a way to express themselves. Due to their independent nature, Aquarius will not follow the crowd, and this is why they thrive in the areas of creativity. An Aquarius is a true free spirit meaning any attempts to keep them from being who they really are will make them turn away. As an air sign, they need their own space and freedom to work on their groundbreaking ideas. They are intellectual geniuses and can amaze others with their original ideas. Aquarians are intellectual rebels and will loudly defend their opinions. They have a great power to form and understand abstract concepts.<br>

They are fast thinkers and barely care about repercussions that may result. Aquarians have a sense of freedom and they never want to be limited by what others think of them and how they will want them to be. They want to express their freedom and are often quick at that might be difficult to predict what will they do next. They tend to be very unpredictable, just when you think you are starting to know them, they do something that completely surprises you. Due to an ever-changing and evolving identity, they can at times be seen as being inconsistent. However, it is not that they are inconsistent in who they are, it is their actions that seem to portray their inconsistency. Aquarius does things crossing the limits. Even their anger is also beyond one’s imagination. They can be very sad, depressed, agitated, and or very happy to an extent. Aquarians are known as extremist people. As open-minded as they are, Aquarius is a fixed sign. This means that they are stubborn people, and it is often hard to change their mind about something once it is set for. They are very stubborn when it comes to their opinions.


<b>Blood Type</b> O- <br>

<b>Preferred Hand</b> Right handed<br>

<b>Facial Type</b> Square <br>

<b>Eye Color</b> piercing blue<br>

<b>Hair Color</b>jet black(sometimes platinum blonde)<br>

<b>Hairstyle</b> changes<br>

<b>Skin Tone</b> porceline<br>

<b>Makeup</b> black eyeliner, mascara whatever he pleases<br>

<b>Build</b> Slim<br>

<b>Height</b> 6'4<br>

<b>Weight</b> 150<br>

<b>Facial Hair</b> Sometimes<br>

<b>Shoe Size</b> 12 <br>

<b>Distinguishing Features</b>:His tattoos and piercing blue eyes.<br>

<b>Energy</b> High Energy<br>

<b>Memory</b> Has a tendency to misremember things, to leave out the bad shit<br>

<b>Senses</b> has a heightened sixth sense<br>

<b>Medication</b>Self medicates, weed, alcohol, herione <br>

<b>Phobias</b> Nothing he cares to share<br>

<b>Addictions</b> Drugs, Alcohol<br>

<b>Mental Disorders</b> Anxiety and Depression<be>

<b>likes:</b> Nature, His animals, coffee, whiskey<br>

<b>dislikes:</b>liars, littering and bigots


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<!------------LOVE LIFE---------------->

<a href="#lijzd" class="j4 jm-2"><h2>Love Life</h2><h3>Wanna bewitch you in the moonlight</h3></a>

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<img src="https://i.imgur.com/zvcxwuQ.jpg" width="250" height="500" class="jimg1">

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<h4>Love Life


<small>But the sting in the way you kiss me, I'm loving it</small>


<div class="box2-jzd">

<b>Status</b> SINGLE AS F***<br>

<b>Whom</b> <a href="/">my right hand</a><br>

<b>Dated</b> 00/00/0000<br>

<b>Engaged</b> 00/00/0000<br>

<b>Married</b> 00/00/0000<br>

<b>Children</b> NONE<br>

<b>Our Song(s)</b>Dance Macabre<br><br>

<p>You'll soon be hearing the chime

Close to midnight

If I could turn back the time

I'd make all right

How could it end like this?

There's a sting in the way you kiss me

Something within your eyes

Said it could be the last time

'Fore it's over!

Just wanna be

Wanna bewitch you in the moonlight

Just wanna be

I wanna bewitch you all night

It keeps on giving me chills

But I know now

I feel the closer we get

To the last vow

I don't wanna end like this (Like this, yeah)

But the sting in the way you kiss me (I'm loving it)

Something within your eyes

Said it could be the last time

'Fore it's over!

Just wanna be

Wanna bewitch you in the moonlight

Just wanna be

I wanna bewitch you all night

Just wanna be

I wanna bewitch you one last time with me tonight

Just wanna be

I wanna bewitch you all night

Just wanna be

Wanna bewitch you in the moonlight

Just wanna be

Wanna bewitch you all right

Just wanna be

Wanna bewitch you in the moonlight

Just wanna be

I wanna bewitch you all night

All right!

Woh-Woh-Woh, wohh!You'll soon be hearing the chime

Close to midnight

If I could turn back the time

I'd make all right

How could it end like this?

There's a sting in the way you kiss me

Something within your eyes

Said it could be the last time

'Fore it's over!

Just wanna be

Wanna bewitch you in the moonlight

Just wanna be

I wanna bewitch you all night

It keeps on giving me chills

But I know now

I feel the closer we get

To the last vow

I don't wanna end like this (Like this, yeah)

But the sting in the way you kiss me (I'm loving it)

Something within your eyes

Said it could be the last time

'Fore it's over!

Just wanna be

Wanna bewitch you in the moonlight

Just wanna be

I wanna bewitch you all night

Just wanna be

I wanna bewitch you one last time with me tonight

Just wanna be

I wanna bewitch you all night

Just wanna be

Wanna bewitch you in the moonlight

Just wanna be

Wanna bewitch you all right

Just wanna be

Wanna bewitch you in the moonlight

Just wanna be

I wanna bewitch you all night

All right!

Woh-Woh-Woh, wohh!</p>


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<a href="#ffjzd" class="j4 jm-1"><h2>Connections</h2><h3>Oh, how don't you drown in a rainstorm?</h3></a>

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<img src="https://i.imgur.com/nfdI59R.jpg" width="250" height="500" class="jimg1">

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<h4>Friends & Family


<small>Oh, how don't you drown in a rainstorm?</small>


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<!---------CONNECTION SECTION---------->

<h6><big> ASTRO BISHOP</big></h6>

<p>❖ His protege. He meet Astro when she was still new to the city. Helping her hone her craft, to become the witchy woman she is today. She is one of his best friends. <br><br>



<!---------CONNECTION SECTION---------->

<h6><big>NAOMI SLATER</big></h6>

<p>❖ They meet years ago when he was touring and she was rebelling against her parents. They hooked up during Spring Break when he had her brought backstage. They met again after a mutual friend introduced them. They have been hooking up regularly as friends with benefits. <br><br>



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<h6><big> ANDERSEN</big></h6>❖ The brother in law. DRAVEN has only one sibling he grew up with Kaleigh his twin. She killed herself four years ago leaving behind Draven, her twin infants, and their father Anderson <br><br>


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<h6><big> GABE JAMES</big></h6> ❖ Soul Brother. It's hard to explain his friendship with Gabe other than he is his soul brother. <br><br>


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<h6><big> JOHNNY MICHAELS</big></h6> ❖ Lawyer, Friend. Johnny saved his life when he saved him from being falsely accused of the murder of his wife Analise when he was only 21 years old. <br><br>


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<h6><big> DELILAH JAMES</big></h6> ❖ Student. Draven has become a spiritual advisor for Delilah, after everything she has been through. Seeking out Draven to help her find a higher power that sits well with her. <br><br></p>



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<a href="#exjzd" class="j4 jm-2"><h2>Owes List</h2><h3>I owe You. You owe Me</h3></a>

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<img src="https://i.imgur.com/brDegAe.jpg" width="250" height="500" class="jimg1">

<div class="boxx-jzd">

<h4>Owes List 


<small>Ghost of Ohio</small>


<div class="box2-jzd">

<p><b> YOU OWE ME:</b> Atticus (11/28), Khai (12/5), Charlotte (12/12), Johnny (12/12),Delilah (12/12), Astro (12/12), Nova (12/20), Zoey (12/20), Bailey (12/30) </b><br><br>

<b> I OWE YOU:</b> Anderson (12/5), Milah (12/4), Gabe (12/5), Astrid (12/11), Nora (12/10), Emma (12/15), Naomi (12/20)<br><br>

<b>Discussing</b> Lennon <br><br><br>

<center><big>LAST UPDATED:</big><br>December 30, 2020</center></p>


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