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GUIDELINES FOR ACCEPTING POSTS - posted by guest on 11th September 2020 01:01:04 AM



1. If post contains a general image, such as a damaged car, house fire, broken phone etc you MUST reverse image search it. 

2. Proof must be provided of all claims, lack of proof should result in a declined post.

3. Format must be exact, if goal amount and ways of payment are not at the top decline.

4. For “First Posts” search the member in Scammer Exposed groups. 


1. Proof must be provided in some form, for physical abuse reports must be made to an agency and evidence of such presented. 

Other form of abuse can be confirmed by text messages, video or photo evidence of injuries. If you are uncomfortable requesting, please let someone else do it. 

2. Attempt must be made to seek help otherwise, connecting to resources in their area and reaching out. Lack of evidence of this will result in post being denied. 

3. If you cannot confirm the post to the above standards, do not approve. Instead offer resources and other related information that can assist. As soon as they are able to provide above proof we can move forward with approving. 


1. Estimate must be provided, do not accept posts if they have not bothered to make the step to enquire about how much it will cost to fix. 

2. Video proof of all troubles, do not accept posts that claim a car is out of order/gas that only has photos as proof. 

3. Reason to use car. Do not accept posts that do not give a clear reason why they need to use their car, posts asking for “Gas” without a reason should be denied. 


1. Must submit proof of empty accounts to staff page. 

2. Must prove they’ve applied for assistance in some form.

3. Requests must be for a low amount, $50 should be the maximum. 

4. Habitual posts should be denied.

5. Must provide proof of empty fridge/cupboards


1. Post must be creative, do not accept any words that contain the words “Smoke, ciggie, cig, weed, bud, vape, cartridge, dab etc” 

Encourage members to be creative with their wording, the funnier the better and more likely to be funded. 

2. No amounts over $50. We are not funding people to smoke all day every day. 


1. NO drug names, no mention of words “medication, prescription, prescribed, insulin, drug names etc” 

2. Encourage members to list their illness and ask for “treatment” 

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