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Untitled - posted by guest on 17th August 2020 05:39:32 PM

this is a thread from @atxmmm translated by @gabysfood (me) and i in no way, agree with what he says, i just want to share it because it extremely stupid

Okay, let's do this thread:

Above all, my goal is neither to belittle nor to insult anyone, and if it hurts you unfortunately for you I really dont give a damn fuck because once again: that is not the goal

There was a time, being gay was risky, people had a mentality that is not the same as current days and some gay men were assaulted, insulted, killed just because of their sexual orientation.

Being gay was like being different from others

Little by little people got used to it, and gave way to living together, even those who did not agree with this cause still let things be done without seeking to harm or "put them back on the right path"

Even though some were still against homosexuality and could not remain calm when seeing homosexuals, the majority of people were starting to accept this difference, and it was rather a good thing, because there are good and bad everywhere.

Homosexuality in short was something difficult to admit, something that we did not take lightly, gays really took their time to find out if they were really gay or not

Now that we have seen what homosexuality was back in the time, let's look at now times, the 2000s

The first technologies smartphones, social networks, the media, and the vicious circle of "influencers and influenced"

Unlike before, people found it easier to be proud of them because they saw other people do it and therefore gained self-confidence.

These people were all sure of their choices and knew what they were getting into by being confident about it

Unfortunately, as I said earlier, there are good and bad everywhere, and in LGBT people (qia idk), there are a lot of bad guys whose words take over the good ones

Bad people denigrate heterosexuality, they make straight people look homophobic and stupid people, and they think they are the smartes and that only they, have the right to speak

From there, we saw a lot of media coverage, demonstrations in the streets of parades etc etc, all in the name of homosexuality

Today, in 2020, many young people do not even know what "LGBT" means but say they are part of it just because one day they kissed someone of opposite gender

What was basic a thoughtful and serious cause, has become a trend in the eyes of everybody

Today, people dye their hair green and let their armpits hair grow to say "we are LGBT" lol

It's shameful and ridiculous, these same people have no respect for religion or for the lives of others and they think they are superior, as if we straight people, are not normal

Not to mention the new billions of genders that they have fun creating as if it were a character customization on an online game

You were born with a vagina you are a woman.

You were born with a penis you are a man.

All the other kinds are just stupidities without any foundation, if you feel like a woman as a man you are still a man, but an girly man, no need to make flags for anything and everything and to demand more adapted changes to each of your differences

Homosexuality is nothing more than a tendency that the youngest have assimilated, and that they transmit to future generations from their youngest age without even letting them see for themselves what they really want

Some gays have had neither romantic relationships nor attraction for the opposite sex simply because they were too young to understand that, and by fulling their heads with those lgbt ideas, we can make them think what we want

I take for example the former German dictator who educated young Germans to hate j-word (no desire to be banished lol)

The process is the same, take people who are not old enough to understand, and open a path for them which is unknown to them but which they are forced to borrow because it's the only one we show them

Okay, now I would like to talk about the man / woman differences, LGBT people (in general) like to say that there is no difference etc, and for that they take as an example the stupid stuff like "blue for boy and pink for girl "

Like the famous "blue for boys pink for girls" the terms "men and women" are simply meant to differentiate us.

Yes, some things are made for men and others for women and IT'S NORMAL

I am moving away from the basic subject, but there are so many small points to address that I can continue to move away from the subject another 50 times that we still would not have finished, I will conclude

In conclusion: homosexuality is normally only a thoughtful sexual orientation, but today it has become a fashion which has taken the new generation, they have made it something horrible because those people are disrespectful.

When we see people parading naked in the street, in sm outfit etc etc, we want everything except to respect them, and they should understand that

The same goes for those who come to impose their sexuality on us when we don't want it, those who blasphemy and so on.

Basic LGBT people, we don't care about their lives, but unfortunately they seek our attention and then complain once they have it.

And to attract our attention they insult our religion, our countries, our cultures, our passions, we can no longer live today without having an LGBT flag under our nose

And when we try to address these people we always get rejected because they feel superior

One day I hope that heterosexuality will also be represented by a flag that I will proudly carry and that LGBT people will be able to feel what it feels like to have 24 hours something that does not interest them under their nose.

In short, I hope that one day, LGBTs will suffer the same as us and that it will finally become a thoughtful cause as it was before.

I have no respect for them cause they have none for us, that's how it works

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