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Different Kinds of Lust: Scrabble, Crosswords, Books, Nerds and things. - By Zcreenburn on 20th December 2020 07:34:05 AM
Cruciverbalust by VK
My knees get weak and my pussy gets wet whenever I see a man doing a crossword puzzle. The kind of man I dream about, fantasize about, is called a cruciverbalist. Just saying that word makes me even hotter. Is this even a fetish? I wonder, but whether it is or it isn't, it makes me crazy horny when he uses his big strong #2 pencil and searches his massive and incisive intellect in just the right way, and he teases those answers out in just the right way, and oohhhhh, puts them right where they're supposed to be.<moan> I like to see a man doing a crossword anywhere: coffeehouse, bus stop, waiting room, breakroom, wherever. But the best times are when I'm dating a cruci<moan>verbalist and we can do them together. When I'm with a man like that, the pencils are always sharpened, the references are at the ready and the shelves are stocked with puzzles. It doesn't seem to matter if it's a daily crossword in the local paper, or a New York Times, Monday to Sunday, hell, I've had a sweet orgasm with a guy doing the TV Guide crossword. <get more excited> Just don't give me word-searches--that's kid stuff. I need that grid, like a rack I can be tied to,<more excited> shackled at each corner, little squares painted all over me and he's filling me in, <long moan> filling me up, completing the puzzle, completing me. <improvise to orgasm>I know what it is. My name is <your name> and I've got Cruciverbalust.
My knees get weak and my pussy gets wet whenever I see anyone doing a Sudoku puzzle. The kind of man I dream about, fantasize about, is called a Sudokolist. Just saying that word makes me even hotter. Is this even a fetish? I wonder, but whether it is or it isn't, it makes me crazy horny when he uses his big strong #2 pencil and searches his massive and incisive intellect in just the right way, and then teases those answers out of the algorithms in just the right way, and oohhhhh, puts them right in the sub squares they're supposed to be in.<moan> I like to see a man doing a Sudoku anywhere: coffeehouse, bus stop, waiting room, breakroom, wherever. But the best times are when I'm dating a Sudoko<moan>list and we can do them together. When I'm with a man like that, the pencils are always sharpened, the calculators are at the ready and the shelves are stocked with puzzles. It doesn't seem to matter if it's a daily Sudoku in the local paper, or a an Easy to Evil on the web, hell, I've had a sweet orgasm with a guy doing the TV Guide Sudoku. <get more excited> Just don't give me mini-sudoku--that's kid stuff. I need that full grid, like a rack I can be tied to,<more excited> shackled at each corner, little squares painted all over me and he's filling me in, <long moan> filling me up, completing the patterns, <moan> completing the matrix, completing Me! <improvise to orgasm>I know what it is. My name is <your name> and I've got Sudokulust.
Librocubicularilust by VK
What? You want to know what turns me on? Can you guess what it is? Yes, it's a dirty one! <laugh> Well, it's about something you do in bed. Something you do that drives me wild and makes me want to tear all your clothes off and do mad and crazy things to your body that you'll love. <moan> I get so turned on when you're being a librocubicularist, I wonder why you can't smell it! Just holding that book on your lap and carefully turning each succulent page. It's like you're touching me, fondling the folds of my hot, wet pussy. I loooooovvvve a man who reads in bed. I love him because I know he's smart and full of ideas and will always find a new and interesting way to satisfy me. Don't get me wrong, that's why sometimes I tear it out of your hands and nearly rape you. I don't hate books and I don't hate your reading them. Quit the opposite, in fact. My love, I've got librocubicularilust, and I've got it real bad!
librocubicularist: A person who reads in bed.
Lexicalust by VK
I love to play. Love it. You're going to think I'm weird, but I can't think of a better way to spend a little free time than playing Scrabble. It gets me so hot! Really! And the ones who get me really going; the type of guy, I mean, is a <small moan> a lexical enthusiast. Oohhh, that's the man for me. A real Scrabble maven. Someone who can match me bingo for bingo, has memorized not only the two and three-letter groups, but the 4 through 7 as well, <moan> I'll do anything, anything he wants for that level of play. I'll be such a little word freak! God, he could use me as the board and whip me if a tile falls off! No, seriously, I was with a guy last year and if he shook that tile bag, I'd come running like some hungry puppy.Mmmm Hmmm, and he gave me more than just double and triple word scores, if you know what I mean. Can you give me that? Can you give me what I need? Bingo me, double and triple word score me and play all night? Build words on my body with tiles,and I must be still, very still or they will fall off and you spank me with tile trays? Are you game? Do you want to play with me? My name is <your name> and I've got Lexicalust.
BONUS SONG (It isn't me, but it could have been)
I'm addicted to Scrabble Abby Simons
Pennafilialust by VK
Mmmmmmm <long moan, excited> I love 'em! It's the first thing I notice about a man; his hands <moan> not just his hands,though. I get off on what's in them. God, I love pens! Serious pens, good pens I'm talking Waterman, Cross,Mont Blanc, Parker, Schaeffer! The kind of pens that have weight and write smoothly <moan> I can get so horny just watching him write; seeing how he holds the pen and knowing he'll hold me just as firmly and just as closely. The kind of man I'm talking about is a pen fetishist <moan> oh, God! There's no scientific term for what I call Pennifilia. That word! <moan> The man with an eye for good pen is the man for me because I know he's interested in holding quality and when he's holding me, I am quality! I don't even mind that he's always on the lookout for something more – doctors offices, banks, lost and found, I sure don't mind all the interesting jars and containers I have to find for him to use as pen cups, and I love haunting stationary stores for new finds.<moan> The man who writes with a steady hand can use those hands on me any time! If he can fill and use a quill pen, he can sure as fuck use and fill me! My name is <your name> and I've got pennafilialust!
Reactionary DipshitLust
(A Self-Parody)
The kind of man I want to have, the one I really want is the kind of guy who wants to have sex in the missionary position for the purposes of procreation only! The kind of man I mean is the guy who goes onto 4chan to berate the sexually free about their interests, as if his opinion mattered to them <moan> who thinks masturbation is wrong! <long moan> I dig a narrow-minded guy, with no creativity, and no interest in me beyond the utilitarian use of my womb. I just want to lay there on my back like the conservative, right-wing Stepford wife he wants with my legs spread and take his semi-hard baby juicer straight up me. And when he's done, I'll make him a sandwich! Ooohhhhh! Only within the bonds of holy matrimony, of course. I want him to take me...to...to...sorry, sorry! This is too ridiculous! Who writes this stuff! I mean, I get crosswords, sudoku, Scrabble and reading in bed, but this? This type of guy is the one who denies any kind of strangeness for years, then finds himself going to a domme to be called a little bitch or fucking his secretary in a motel room while wearing a diaper, and when he gets caught at it, he's all crying about 'spending more time with the family' and 'dedicating his life to fighting smut' and shit like that! Who the fuck would want this kind of asshole? What clever thing would you call it anyway; reactionary dipshitlust?
Nerdlover by VK Edits by Sera
I don't care for names and labels. Call me a nerd lover, geek girl, Whatever! You know what really turns me on about you? It's your incredible mind.You have great interests, intriguing hobbies and tastes and I love--just love cuddling and watching movies with you; delving into our own fantasy world where we can be whoever we want. You have such warm intelligent eyes and welcoming arms. And you make me feel so fucking crazy horny when you whisper in my ear, some scintillating or brilliant idea. Fuck having a rock-hard body or perfect hair. Half those guys are preening fags anyway. And why would I want you at the gym when we could be playing a game together?
Baby, what I need is a smart guy with an open mind who can commit to me. When I have that I can be the perfect girlfriend, play partner, sexy-time girl, anything you could imagine. Oh I'll be all the fantasy your trippy brain can come up with and more.
Just don't be disappointingly normal.