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Untitled - posted by guest on 14th December 2020 10:37:19 AM

- Being raised by an ambitious single mom and an absent father who’d check in every few months meant that Dev spent a lot of time on his own. With help from his grandma by the time he was seven he was pretty good at caring for himself. 

- Grew up trying to be the best son in hopes that it would gain him attention from either parent but eventually learned that acting out was way easier. 

- That one kid who was really friendly and smart in middle school and then high school rolls around and he’s selling drugs, in some shitty garage band & throwing parties when his mom is away on work trips.

- Being alone as a kid all the time means he kinds of hates it now and is always hanging out with friends to avoid the loneliness. 

- His mom gets married while he’s in high school to a really successful business man and he’s uprooted into a whole new world. Suddenly he’s attending fancy socialite parties and his mom is pretending to be housewife of the year. To their credit, their parent’s do try their best to blend the two families but their guilt soon turns into letting their children get away with anything & usually bailing dev out of whatever situation he gets himself into. 

- The same year that his grandmother passes away he’s diagnosed with bipolar disorder and he starts medication but has a habit of going off his meds and having episodes full of self sabotage. 

- Some of these episodes include Dev cutting his parent’s out and trying to go on his own for awhile before he fucks up and they have to bail him out. Ex: That one time he moved out to LA to produce a soundcloud raper only to end up homeless and needing gas money home three months later. 

- Is currently working at a high end restaurant called ‘Wild Thyme’ and running his popular YouTube channel ‘HighQ’ that shows him cooking different thc infused foods & making edibles. If he had it his way he’d have his own food truck that only sold weed infused foods but he’ll get there one day. 

- Really bad at commitment but also probably knows all your favorite things. Basically all those indie boy tik Tok memes where you’ve been hanging for six months lmao.

- Character inspiration: Chris Miles ( skins ), Ilana Wexler (broad city ), David Rose ( Schitt’s Creek ), Jean-Ralphio Saperstein ( parks and rec ) 

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