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Admin/Owner stuff - posted by guest on 21st August 2020 07:26:16 AM


Admin/Owner Stuff:

Nyt!Help Lists available commands

Nyt!Kick [@user] [reason] Kicks the mentioned user

Nyt!Ban [@user] [reason] Bans the mentioned user

Nyt!Mute [@user] [1s - 50m] Mutes the mentioned user

Nyt!Nuke Nukes the chat

Nyt!Unmute [@user] Unmutes the mentioned user

Nyt!DeleteChannel [#channel] Deletes the mentioned channel

Nyt!DeleteRole [#channel] Deletes the mentioned role

Nyt!Lock Locks the channel so no one can chat

Nyt!Unlock UnLocks the channel so people can chat

Nyt!User info Tells you when a discord account was made etc

Nyt!Warns (3 warns 2 hour mute, 5 warns = kicked, 7 = 5 day ban, and 10 perm ip ban)

Nyt!HelpAdmin Lists available Admin commands

Nyt!Help Music Lists available Music commands

Nyt!HelpFun Lists available Fun commands

Nyt!HelpImage Lists available Image commands


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