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$PRIA FAQ's - UNOFFICAL (made from the community) - posted by guest on 23rd October 2020 01:37:49 AM


Website - http://pria.eth.link/ (brew a tea then come back & read this about 5 times.)

UNISWAP - https://app.uniswap.org/#/swap?inputCurrency=0xb9871cb10738eada636432e86fc0cb920dc3de24

Etherscan - https://etherscan.io/token/0xb9871cb10738eada636432e86fc0cb920dc3de24

Basic Dashboard for the .json - https://pria.network/api/pria_data.json (You can see the airdrop list, supply, burn rates ect.)

Telegram chat - https://t.me/defilabs_community (owner/dev account is @dr_mantis_defilabs)

Telegram Official Announcements Channel - https://t.me/pria_defi

DeFi Labs Twitter -https://twitter.com/defi_labs_

Coingecko - https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/pria/usd#panel (Thumbs up & star to help grow!)

Dextool - https://www.dextools.io/app/uniswap/pair-explorer/0xac350eefccdae050614070e5040e17759cebb3e9

Chartex - https://chartex.pro/?symbol=UNISWAP:PRIA&theme=Dark 

CoinMarketCap - https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/pria/

LiveCoinWatch - https://www.livecoinwatch.com/price/PRIA-PRIA

Community links: 

Updated Dashboard with wallet integration by @BitByTheByte - https://pria-stats.netlify.app/ DM him for any specific questions about the page. 

Common Noob Questions w Noob answers :)

How does the airdrop work? 

- Click the .json link right above, look for "minimum_for_airdrop": 0.80555067016482 

- In this case above, we would need to transfer or purchase at least .8056 to qualify & have your address enter the pool.  

- When you enter the airdrop (after eligibility) and see your wallet address in the list, you can expect to receive your airdrop 200 transactions after you entered. Think of it as a queue system. You enter the pool and the person 200 txs behind yours gets their airdrop. Be patient, it will come. 

- Higher transaction sizes feed the pool, lower transaction sizes drain the pool. 

How do you calculate the airdrop payout? 

Take the number next to "airdrop_address_balance": and divide it by 250 to get a rough estimate* of what your airdrop payout would be.


****There is an inactive burn system in place.****

If your $PRIA wallet is inactive (meaning no transactions, no transfers, sells, or buys) for longer than 35 days, any user can call the function to burn 25% of your supply of $PRIA. If your wallet is inactive for 60 days then the burn rate increases to 100%. Yes, if you do not make any transactions with your $Pria within 35 days, anyone can call the function to burn 25% of your stack. 60 days inactivity? 100% of your $PRIA stack gone. 

1.25% of every transaction will be burned. 

0.85% of every transaction goes to an airdrop address.

0.50% of every transaction goes to the owner, marketing and liquidity incrementation. The owner address stops receiving funds if its balance exceeds 1.5% of the total supply to force market participation and prevent becoming too large.


$PRIA 1st turn started with 100,000K Total Supply & that turn will end when supply reaches 10k.

At the end of Turn 1 $PRIA will then mint tokens back to 50K which will start Turn 2. The lowest supply of turn 2 is 5k, so on so forth. (all the way down to 1.2 Pria. Yes, 1.2 Pria.) This is heavily covered on the main website: http://pria.eth.link/

+ Adding liquidity earns you fees on every transaction & is not locked.  

+ Slippage can be weird. If 1% isn't working try to higher your gas. If that doesn't work increase your slippage. Folks have said they have used 10%+ at times. 

Shoutout to Dr. Mantis & DeFi Labs! Dont forget to follow their twitter! & checkout their main website

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