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Untitled - posted by guest on 12th March 2020 03:44:55 PM
Nixish Grammary
Starting at 1st level, you find it difficult to lie. Whenever you make a Deception check involving a blatant falsehood, if your check does not pass a DC of 10 + your sorcerer level, you take 1d4 psychic damage and fail the Deception check, regardless of the original DC.
This damage increases by 1d4 at 6th level (2d4). 14th level (3d4), and 18th level (4d4).
Additionally, you have advantage on Wisdom saves against being charmed. At 6th level, this becomes an immunity to the charmed condition.
Chaotic Contingency
At 1st level, you are able to set special rules. Once per long rest, after your long rest, choose a simple condition. The condition must be five words or less, and you must be conscious and alive for the condition to activate. When you set this condition, choose one spell at a level equal to or lower than your greatest spell slot divided by two (rounded down).
When the condition is fulfilled, you may choose to cast the spell as a reaction. If the condition is fulfilled during combat, you cannot cast any 1st level or greater spells until the end of your next turn.
Of Stranger Lands
At 6th level, you gain the ability to ignore obstacles others might find difficult. You are able to navigate difficult terrain at normal speed and have advantage on Acrobatics checks involving terrain hazards.
You may expend two sorcery points to ignore the verticality of a surface for up to one minute, allowing you to walk on steep inclines, walls, and ceilings effortlessly. If you take any damage when using this ability, you must make a Dexterity saving throw with a DC of 10 if you are on an incline, 15 if you are on a wall, and 20 if you are on a ceiling. If you fail this roll, you tumble or fall to the ground.
The Illusion of Space
Once you reach 14th level, you appear to regularly defy the laws of physics. You can open any door in a room to any exit from that room, and can open any door into that room to any of its entrances. Any storage container or bag you use has triple its apparent capacity.
As a reaction, you can expend sorcery points to temporarily shorten or expand the apparent distance between two locations. For every point you spend, the distance between those objects increases or decreases by five feet. This change then reverts instantaneously.
Fillorean Ascendant
At 18th level, this world no longer holds sway on you. You have a permanent flying speed equal to your walking speed. You are immune to nonmagical poisons and illnesses. If you would die of old age, instead you begin to age backwards, stopping at when you first reached this level.
Once per long rest, you may call one object by another nonmagical object's name. You must clearly picture the object you are using the name of, and have come in contact with such an object before. The target object will have all physical properties of the named object, and is able to function in an identical way - for example, if you name a hairbrush a carriage, it will be able to be pulled by horses and have carrying capacity equal to the carriage you named it as.
If an individual attempts to ascertain the true object behind the name, they must make an Insight check against your Spellcasting DC.