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A brief history of the Alves - posted by guest on 29th October 2020 10:14:43 PM
A brief history of the Alves
The appearance of the alves
History highlights
Classification of eras
Alves' alignment - Vedism
Etymology of the word alv and its heritage
Geographic names
Alvian language transformations
Archaeological sources
Full control (magic) of the alves. Vedism.
Household entropy rate
Technology implementation levels
Mineral as consciousness
Household and non-household appliances
Communication technology
Political structure
Social infrastructure
Clothing and jewelry
Alves information spaces
Body structure
Alva psychology
Basic laws of biological life
The appearance of the alves
According to the legends that have come down to us, alves appeared ready-made about 40,000 - 50,000 years ago on the territory of Russia in the area of Lake Svetloyar. Alves are spirits who have already reached a high degree of intellectual karmic development before that. Such spirits entered into a conditional agreement between themselves and the local subsystems of the planet's consciousness - the Elements. Elements are subsystems of the planet's consciousness. They are divided into the spheres of the planet - air, water resources, as well as territorially - mayers.
History highlights
The history of the Alves is known from the Anglo-Saxon, Slavic and Celtic chronicles. The peculiarity of history is that it is, in a sense, monotonous and indefinite. This is predetermined karmically and is conditioned by the fact that every alf can receive deep satisfaction from life, realizing his personal interests.
Alfheim is the name of the entire planet in the multitude of variants of the multiverse familiar to us, and in a narrower sense, the two continents of the planet - Eurasia and America. This can be clearly seen in English, Russian, French and Norwegian maps of the 12-18 centuries AD or the 8th era from the appearance of the Alves. According to legends, after the appearance, some of the Alves went to America, but many of them later returned. The reason for this is that at that time America had a more complex information environment than Europe. According to historical chronicles in the area of Lake Svetloyar, the supposed place of awakening of our ancestors, and then on the way to the Atlantic Ocean, they were greeted by alv-like entities that were sent by the Elements. Some researchers believe they consisted of plasma. Already in those days, the Alfheim feature was noted - a nature previously created for us with the properties we need - from minerals to plants.
Alvas - since the emergence of the Vedic civilization, with a developed, awakened consciousness and represent a fairly high point in the development of intelligence on the planet. The elements exist, but they do not control the elves, and they cannot do this, since they have completely different tasks. There is a relationship with them in accordance with the concluded karmic agreement. Elements are alves in previous incarnations or essences equal to them in development, that is, the principle of voluntariness is familiar to them. There is a point of view that the Elements are consciousness living in a whole array of multiverse options. In turn, for the observer of the element, a fractal subsystemic expression of the main elements of his consciousness.
Historically, alves are divided into houses. For example, the House of Feanor belongs to the nation of Alves, who descend from the Goths. These are Slavs, Anglo-Saxons and Scandinavians. Other houses include peoples whose languages have undergone excellent development. Feanor is the language spoken by a group of Alves, not an individual as some believe. It is expedient to divide the history closer to us into periods of consensus that were in effect at one time or another. Roman consensus, Euro-Atlantic, etc. It makes no sense to enumerate the various formal and informal names of the Alvian countries. For example, if we are talking about names such as the Republic of Venice and Italy, then it is clear that they mean the same thing.
It cannot be denied that events of a global nature could have had an impact. Falls of meteorites about 30,000, 10,000 and 200 years ago are especially important here. Such an event can lead to the change of some plants to others, which is important for the agricultural sector. However, these meteorites never fell into the areas of the Alf settlements. According to the descriptions, our ancestors repeatedly traveled through the solar system and beyond, where they came into contact with the civilizations of our reality. No hostility was met. Some civilizations refused to contact, but not more than that. However, as Plato writes, there is nothing to do there on a permanent basis. There is nothing in three-dimensional reality that we do not have. Little is known about travels to more complex worlds with large dimensions. Periods of interest in space give way to periods of its complete absence. The Northern Vedas report that our ancestors used the principle of non-interference in the affairs of more primitive races in our reality. Apparently, it should act in our version, but not in parallel worlds.
Classification of eras
In total, researchers distinguish eight eras. Our era is considered 8. Each era lasted about 5,000-8,000 years and has a symbolic name.
1 Age of Light, Age of Awakening. It is believed that in this era the sun was shining brighter than it is now. The radiation produced more ultraviolet radiation. Also in this era, the first alves awakened.
2 Age of Pillars. In the atmosphere of the planet, there were luminous columns of light. They were different from the aurora borealis.
3 The epoch of the departure of the 2nd Moon. It is believed that during this era, the second moon left orbit, but may return. According to legends, meteorites fell on the Earth, which, however, did not cause any damage. Lake Peipsi may be one of these craters.
4 Age of Balls, Age of Tilmir. The appearance of plasmoids is noted. During this era, Eurasia was called Tilmir.
5 Age of Streams. At this time, many new rivers appeared, which were called Streams.
6 Age of Void. At this time, researchers updated the old Vedic knowledge.
7 Age of Air. The air has changed its composition to some extent. A number of insects that existed in the past have disappeared. Their remains are found in Germany, Poland and the Baltic states.
8 Age of Blue Fire. This is our era. It got its name from the previously observed small flying lights in the forests, glowing red.
Alves' alignment - Vedism
Vedism is the most complete knowledge about the structure of the Universe, obtained through experience, including meditation, observation, logical complex (non-binary) thinking, completion of reasoning to the end. The Alvian mind has these qualities innate, and therefore asks the questions: What is the root cause of the existing, including the material world? What benefits can this bring beyond the craving for knowledge itself? How to use this knowledge to achieve your goals. He comes to the conclusion that the ether and the observer, which are one and the same, are the prime causes. Therefore, 1 the world is a complex illusion 2 the world can and should be controlled 3 this is the meaning of life.
Vedic knowledge is self-contained, complex and self-sufficient, self-regulating.
The Vedas mean to know, that is, to know, to see the world as it is, and not as you want or do not want to see it because of fear or emotions. Part of Vedism is the ability to work with information and draw the right conclusions. Vedism is an innate worldview of an alva, conditioned by his karmic development and body structure.
Vedic knowledge makes it impossible to influence information for the purpose of parasitic control.
Etymology of the word alv and its heritage
The modern word elf comes from the word alv. All peoples of the white race, that is, the Aryans are alves. The self-name of the race, the Aryans, comes from the Alves. During the development of languages, the letter -L changed to -P, and -B dropped out. From the word alva in most European languages, the words all and white, including in Slavic, come. Previously, Slavic languages were called Gothic or Vandal. The very name of the Vandals also comes from the Alves and originally sounded like Alvandi, that is, "descended from the Alves." In a very close to Russian Norwegian language, the word velva is derived from the alvs, and in the Russian itself the word sorcerer. Thus, alf and aryan are interchangeable self-designations. Some pay more attention to the fact that they derive their origin from the first Alves. For example, in Germany many families often give names such as Alfred, that is, speaking on behalf of the ancient Alves, in order to denote succession from the ancient Alves and have a corresponding family tradition. The question of alves as a separate
linguistic community is untenable. People often settled in remote areas and acquired a slightly different dialect. So among the Germans, many call themselves not only Alwami, but also Germans, that is, a concept that is narrower in scope, which is at the same time broader than the concept of Germans.
In European languages, derivatives of - al are found all the time. Russians, along with other names, Ruthenes, Russes, Goths, Wends (Vandals) were called Alins. The residents of Novgorod and Rostov called themselves Alins. Rus along with Gardarika, Trildinia, Tilia was called Alvia or Alnia. From the same word comes the self-designation of Greece Hellas, which was founded by Hellen or Ellodin, and the inhabitants of Greece called themselves Hellenes, respectively. The Celtic word is formed by adding the sound - k to elt. The British call their country Albion. In various Aryan nations, numerous names and place names have been preserved, formed from al. Albina, Alevtina, Alexander, Alexey, etc. On the maps of Russia of the 14-17 centuries there are many names formed from -al. In total, there are about 900 names associated with the alves. In Russian, two forms -alab and -el originated from the Alves. Evergreens may be named after the alf's ability to age. Thus, both Alabino and Eltsy are related to our ancestors - the ancient elves. The name of the Elbe river also comes at alviv. Alvian names are divided into unchanged and changed, that is, those in which a phonetic permutation has occurred. The changed names include Anna - originally Alvana, Elena.
Among the unchanged Slavic (Gothic) names related to the early Alves, many female names have been preserved more - Albina, Allga (later Olga) Alevtina, Alina - Alena and the subvariant Arina. Arina shows the change of the self-name of the Alves to the Aryans. Elena is generally of Eastern European origin, since, for example, in Russia, the alves were called e (e) lyami. From this word comes the name of the tree tree, since it does not throw off needles and thus an analogy is drawn with the longevity of the elves. Male unchanged Russian names are Almir, Eler, Olmir, Arin, Alslav, Alvol. Julia is a Gothic changed name that originally sounded like Alia or Albia.
In general, the planet on the maps of the 9-16 centuries of the 8th era, that is, our era, is designated by the universally recognized name Alvheim. According to doctors, 100% of the Caucasian race are carriers of the sign of sharp ears. About 97% of Caucasian children are born with pointed ears, although some may eventually lose this trait.
The history of the ancient Aryans was reconstructed in England in the 19th century, and later laid down in art, for example, in the work of Tolkien. Of course, Tolkien did not work alone, but a whole group of writers who had access to the archives. Tolkien led this group as editor-in-chief. For example, Beleriand is Daggerland, which went under water 8-12,000 years ago. If you take a map of Middle-earth, then Lot-Lorien enters the territory of Kiev, where, according to research in the 60s, giant trees, relatives of the giant sequoias of the United States, really grew. The symbol of Kiev is the swan. The city of Dale is St. Petersburg, which was called Til, and the principality of the wood elves was located on the territory of Moscow.
The Gothic language, of which the Slavic languages are a form, is similar to and precedes Sanskrit. Tolkien gave it the name Sindarin. Sindarin's writing is similar to Sanskrit. Similar letters are found in Iceland, England, Ireland, Russia and Scandinavia. The self-name of the tribe that lived in the Black Sea region, and later in the Vologda region - Sindi. The inscriptions left by them are Proto-Sanskrit, that is, Sanskrit, based on this approach, was most likely formed on the basis of this alphabet, although according to another approach it comes from Gothic, being its dialect. The Gothic language itself is derived from Quenyi.
The word alv itself is derived from "possessing plasma" - the active form of ether, which generates substance. From here comes the love of the stars, as the stars -
large plasma formations. The expressions "face with starlight", "grab a shooting star (ball lightning)", "reach out to the stars with your hands" are often used.
Geographic names
The geography of the two continents has different names over time. For example, America was called Valmar, or Valnir. It is believed that here the elements appeared before the alves in an alvomorphic form and here the tradition of planting the so-called plasma trees, which was later transferred to Europe, is also believed. -mar, -mir and -nor are interchangeable and, in fact, mean the same thing - home. Russia in different variations can be called Tilnir, Trildinir or Tilmar according to one of the names of the place where St. Petersburg later arose - Dil or Til. The region of present-day France in the Old Gothic language is called Menigrotnor, Germany - Imlandria, from which one of the names of the Baltic states Ingermanlandia, and Ukraine Lorinya, came from.
The names of the planet in different languages sound like Alvhem, Avalon, Alvia, Liveya, Avalia, Eldmir, Eldomar.
Alvian language transformations
Reconstruction of the languages of the ancient Alves was carried out mainly in England, Italy and Russia. If the English reconstructions used a synthetic model of the Aryan languages, as a result of which a model was created from scratch, then we went through the reconstruction of the Slavic, Gothic languages. In general, in both cases, we came to fairly similar results:
Elfin - Avarin (dead tongue)
Elfin - Nandorin - Samoyed languages - Finougorean languages
Elfin - Telerin - Romance languages
Elfin - Sindarin - Welch - Celtic
Elfin - Quenya - Gothic (Sanskrit dialect) - Nordic languages (Russian, Ukrainian, Polish, Norwegian, Swedish, etc.)
It is necessary to understand that this genealogy is very conditional, since languages have changed several times, and migrations have also occurred.
Quenya comes from the words alley from aldeon, in German warnen warnen from Quenya varnasse. From the Quenya word coast - rava comes the Russian word ferry, from the word possessing plasma, fearless astal - astral.
Ether objects - plasma in the form of a Phoenix bird, symbols of aspects of consciousness, multidimensional figures, figures reflecting the wave nature, stars, two Trees. The Phoenix bird is present on the coat of arms of the city of Voskresensk near Moscow, in the 14th century it was used on the coat of arms of Novgorod. The Phoenix bird is found as a symbol of Greece. Balls, that is, plasmoids, are found on the coats of arms of Florence, Hamburg and Bristol.
The tree is found on the coats of arms of Palermo, Ravena, Ryazan and Ireland. Stars are found on the coats of arms of Texas, Yorkshire, in Russia in Nizhny Novgorod.
Archaeological sources
The most informative archaeological sources are excavations in
England, Russia, Scandinavia, Iceland and America. The oldest finds date back to 30,000 years ago. Much of the information has been preserved in legends. However, it is important to identify later layers here.
Preserved devices, household items: dishes, furniture parts, jewelry, written sources.
Full control (magic) of the alves. Vedism.
(55 points)
1 Consciousness (observer) and ether, and active ether form - plasma, as the primary causes of everything. The identity of consciousness-ether
1 Subjectless method of cognition as pseudo-rational knowledge. Rational knowledge takes into account 1 the impossibility of describing the absolute truth 2 the infinite multiplicity of relative truths 3 the relativity of relative truths 4 the falsity of binary logic in the description of complex systems 5 consciousness-ether as the root cause of everything. Other knowledge will be pseudo-revolutionary knowledge, that is, it will not fully describe causal relationships from start to finish, but only a fragment of such relationships, stating the presence of a connection, but not understanding the final cause.
1 Self-causality of consciousness-ether
1 Ether = consciousness
1 Ether is infinite in every way
1 There is no information without media, as well as media without information. There is no energy without a carrier, that is, there is no energy without information
1 Energy exists only in a bound form
1 Ether is infinite in energy (mass), which is extinguished by information complexity. Ether is consciousness. Operations with information are possible only in the mind of the observer. Consequently, the withdrawal of the ether energy is possible only when choosing an observer.
1 The mass of the volume of ether is much greater than the mass of the volume of a substance of the same volume.
1 There is meditation (analysis of your psyche) on emptiness, which is a form of ether (primordial consciousness): observing what gives rise to dreams, visions, etc. with an understanding of the identity of this structure and I (self).
1 Meditation on emptiness is self-worth.
1 The world is a complex illusion of the observer, which has its own laws
1 The structure of the ether: 1 emptiness (nirvana, uncertainty) and fullness (samsara, the possibility of everything) (emptiness and fullness are one and the same), material form (character), near-character space, long-range character space 2 an infinite multiverse with infinite vertical options (complexity ) and horizontal 3 ether, plasma, fields, matter
1 Oblivion is an area outside the focus of the observer's attention, that is, something that does not exist for him at the moment.
1 Discrete and continuous information (qualitative, semantic)
1 Types of information presentation: complex graphic (thought), visual, auditory, tactile.
1 Operations with information: create, destroy, change, compare, join, disconnect.
1 Neuron and neural networks - a set of elementary logical units of information processing and memory. There are 1 neural networks capable of self-development 2 incapable.
1 Signs of consciousness (intelligence) 1 elementary units of information processing (logical elements), units of memory that can change with a new cycle of work with
information 2 the system has synergy 3 the system is able to change itself. The absence of these signs speaks of pseudoconsciousness 4 intelligence - operations with information 5 memory - information storage 6 basic programs - instincts, self-awareness - knowledge of the presence of consciousness of itself 7 individuality - the presence of unique features, worldview, goals in the external environment, quality of information.
1 Consciousness in descending order of complexity 1 etheric 2 consciousness for functioning in the environment of character-like objects (social) 3 consciousness for the functioning of a material form
1 Consciousness as a neural network is a set of elementary units of information processing (logical elements) and memory, capable of synergy and self-complication at the level of the entire system.
1 Sources of knowledge about the world order: meditation, generalization of experience, including situations with the inaction of the regularities of the level of matter, including when interacting with plasma.
1 Examples of everyday manifestations of the effect of consciousness-ether on matter are: swinging of a suspended pendulum, which shows the intake of energy from the ether, an increase and decrease in the temperature in a room, the possibility of strengthening the body in case of strong blows, when a force screen is created, the possibility of lifting a heavy load in an emergency, the appearance of plasmoids, the ionization of air in the room, clicks, the loss of things that cannot be explained by the material level with their subsequent sudden appearance, events that violate the random distribution that seems to exist at the material level.
1 There are ethereal patterns (91 patterns)
cause and effect, the environment of the phenomenon and the internal structure of the phenomenon, priorities, the phenomenon and imitation of the phenomenon, finiteness and infinity, the multi-causality of the phenomenon, multidimensional thinking (non-binary thinking), complementary and limiting (primitive) thinking, internal and external consistency of information, rational and pseudo-rational ( not taking into account the observer as the main factor of all phenomena) knowledge, species and generic concepts, attention control, source of information - channels of information - addressee of information, distortion of information, alternatives, completion of the inference chain to the end, alternatives, metainformation, tactics and strategy, deduction and induction , analysis and synthesis, non-opposite (positive) goal setting, quantitative assessments and not only qualitative ones, the unity of regularities at different levels of the ether organization (“what's below, so above and on the sides”), the impossibility of describing the complex and infinite by the primitive and finite, cognition as a calm attitude, vz interconnectedness of parameters, organizing thought-desire, that is, real and not nominal, memory-processing cell, the need for verbose definitions, control intermediate indicators, proportionality of risks and benefits, databases, continuous and discontinuous search, abstract formulations with an individual understanding of the meaning of each addressee , reconnaissance, encirclement, siege, ambush, blitzkrieg, attack from the rear and flank, relativity of the phenomenon, signs of the existence of the phenomenon, direct and indirect, dissemination of information through information hiding, the effect of the hundredth node, the possibility of error, point of no return, bifurcation point, force dispersion, symbol , inertia, throughput, mode, median, system complexity - the number of subtypes of the phenomenon that it can distinguish, the capacity of the system, manipulation through an arbitrary reference point.
333 system as a set of elements with common features and connections among themselves, system complexity, openness and closedness of the system, centralized and non-centralized (network) systems, non-hierarchical and hierarchical systems, synergy (1 + 1 = 3), fractality, evolution, equilibrium, adaptation,
quantitative and qualitative transition, the transition of a parameter from pole A to pole B through parameter hypervalues, feedback, hypereffect from a small factor, control, structureless control, laws of thermodynamics of some systems and their limitations: the law of establishing thermodynamic equilibrium in isolated systems and its limitations, the law conservation of energy and its limitations, the law of the impossibility of heat transfer from a body to a warmer body and its limitations, the law of conservation of information, anti-entropy and entropy 333 ether and its forms 2 dependence on the observer 2 radiation quanta, that is, indivisible units 2 teleportation 2 non-local interconnection 2 superposition 2 particle-wave dualism and their unity 2 informational-material dualism and unity 2 tendency to form hierarchical structures 2 synergy 2 fractality
1 Fullness - a set of air-information formations (EIR)
1 The meaning of life is the cognition of information-etheric formations (EIE) in material and non-material form
1 There are systems, and the E&M system is complex and primitive
1 O&M can be parasitic and negotiable
1 Logic - ideas about methods of information processing, which to some extent, but in absolute terms, reflect the laws of the world.
1 Mathematics is logic applied to a large number of elements, logic with a quantitative component. The formula is an expression of the connection between phenomena and a description of the nature of this connection.
1 Primitive systems are parasitic, since they are unable to produce goods for themselves and conduct unequal exchange with the observer
1 The structure of a substance at the basic level cannot provide the complexity and variety of its effects at the character level
1 EIO exist in etheric and temporarily in material forms
1 Complexity = beauty = uncertainty = novelty = self-sufficiency = true self-isolation = true self-causation = open-closed systems as chosen by the observer
1 Primitive system depicts pseudo-complexity = pseudo-self-causality
1 The complexity of a substance at its basic level does not give a variety of its properties. It is provided with aether-plasma.
1 There is an observer who alone determines his life
1 Methods of parasitic OMP (39 methods)
1 Binary (less often triarity) thinking 1 Hiding information 1 False 1 Distortion of information 1 Hiding the causes of the phenomenon 1 Simplification of information 1 Concealment, falsehood, distortion of information about the fundamental possibility of character beauty 1 Propaganda of pseudo-rational knowledge (denying the key role of the observer) 1 Fragmentation of the complete picture of the world 1 False concept of the impossibility of something 1 Reproduction of unnecessary to the observer, false and pseudo-rational information 1 Relying on emotions and instincts, including fear 1 Hiding the internal structure and external structure of the phenomenon to prevent reinterpretation 1 Hiding the existence of ether and plasma 1 Hiding the equality of complexity = beauty = uncertainty = novelty = true self-sufficiency = true self-causality = open or closed system at the choice of the observer 1 Creation of pseudo-closed = primitive systems as endpoints in causal relationships, passed off as truly self-closed = complex 1 Maintaining a false concept "is not possible possible "1 Lies about the possibility of non-subjective (without the participation of an observer) knowledge of the world 1 Simplification of thinking 1 Creation of the illusion of a deficit of something (rare, uniqueness) 1 Monopoly on knowledge and limitation of its distribution 1 Concealment or denial of the existence of ether and plasma as a form of ether that generates substance 1 Concealment, denial of ether as an infinite source of energy 1 Lies about strict laws of energy transformation 1 Giving and removing status
seriousness. The severity of any fading can be reduced or increased 1 Concealment of the identity of the ether and consciousness, the influence of the observer on the material world, the primacy of the laws of ether - plasma over the laws of matter 1 Denial of the variety of forms of ether and their interconversion hold blows with the body, etc.) 1 The lie that if something is not visible in the real form, then this supposedly does not exist (a consequence of the simplification of information) 1 Binary lie - separation into seeming and non-seeming 1 Explanation of the effects of complete control of errors in the perception of the real form 1 Lies about consciousness as a function of a real form 1 Lies about the fact that there is 100% randomness 1 Stimulation of non-completion of reasoning chain of reasoning to the end 1 Declaring pseudo-rational knowledge as rational, and truly rational knowledge as irrational 1 Lying about the alleged impossibility of controlling the act of complete control in the matter safety of the material form (p character) 1 Stake on faith (authority), that is, unproven acceptance of facts, which must be distinguished from super-volume knowledge, which cannot be instantly decomposed into parts due to complexity and volume 1 False idea of the special role of matter 1 Tolerance of primitive = ugly systems , including one category with the body of the observer 1 Primitive empathy
1 Everything that exists is a subsystem of the observer's consciousness
1 There is invocation - giving independence to the object, evocation - removing independence from the object
1 Others can be viewed as subsystems or other copies of the original consciousness, depending on the choice of the observer. Relationships with them are built on a voluntary basis.
1 Have complex empathy
1 The material level obeys the laws of the etheric level, although it has its own conventional laws (physics, chemistry, biology)
Plasma is an active form of ether that generates substance. Plasma - ether - consciousness.
It exists at the level of the ether itself, the level of the field, the level of matter (4 state of matter)
95% of the matter in the Universe is plasma. Plasma - black holes, stars, ball lightning, miniplasmoids (orbs), clouds, fog, dust, air, smoke, haze, etc. Plasma is any visual white noise. Ionized gas is part of the plasma, but not all of the plasma.
Plasma happens
1 visible and invisible
2 luminous and non-luminous. Luminous can be of all colors, including black. Luminous plasma is visible in the dark, but may not be visible in light. The luminosity depends on the energy intensity.
3 any shape, often in the form of 1 fog 2 tentacles 3 balls
Plasma is a possible but optional sign of a leap between multiverse options.
Plasma is the consciousness of the observer.
Particles of matter are plasma and vice versa.
Full control
1 There is complete control (magic from the Alvian "full possibility", the Russian verb is to be able) - the use of the laws of ether, incomplete - the use of the laws of matter
1 The body of the observer should be beautiful = difficult, or changed in the direction of such by the indicated techniques, since a primitive body cannot interact with complex systems. There shouldn't be a more complex object on his character category.
1 Everything is possible
1 The observer is responsible to himself for his actions
1 The goal must be formulated in a non-opposite mode (positive formulation)
1 Method of reinterpretation. Any phenomenon consists of its constituent parts and is inscribed in the environment. So it runs into uncertainty (the totality of all options), that is, it can be reintegrated as the observer wants. Private Techniques: Quantification. Destruction of the system. Refutation. The relativity of the phenomenon.
1 Method of addressing ether-plasma. Any phenomenon exists within the ether, an infinitely complex system, which means it can be removed or created.
1 Full ruler (mage) cannot harm another full ruler (mage)
1 A primitive system cannot exist on the same plane with a complex
1 A primitive system is part of a complex system
1 The more complex consciousness, the easier it is for the surrounding material reality and vice versa
1 Complex systems are in some sense monotonous externally with internal diversity
1 Magotechnics (technomagy) - the use of the laws of the etheric plasma level together with the laws of the material level. Technique - the use of the laws of the material level only.
1 Enchantment is an illusion, no substance change. Magic is a change in substance.
1 Increasing uncertainty with increasing sample size
1 There are alves
Full control (magic) of the alves. Vedism. Briefly.
1 Consciousness (observer) and ether, and active ether form - plasma, as the primary causes of everything.
1 There is meditation (analysis of your psyche) on emptiness, which is a form of ether (primordial consciousness): observing what gives rise to dreams, visions, etc. with an understanding of the identity of this structure and I (self).
1 The structure of the ether: 1 emptiness (nirvana, uncertainty) and fullness (samsara, the possibility of everything) (emptiness and fullness are one and the same), material form (character), near-character space, long-range character space 2 an infinite multiverse with infinite vertical options (complexity ) and horizontal 3 ether, plasma, fields, matter
1 Fullness - a set of air-information formations (EIR)
1 There are systems, and the E&M system is complex and primitive
1 O&M can be parasitic and negotiable
1 Primitive systems are parasitic, since they are unable to produce goods for themselves and conduct unequal exchange with the observer
1 EIO exist in etheric and temporarily in material forms
1 Complexity = beauty = uncertainty = novelty = self-sufficiency = true self-isolation = true self-causation = open-closed systems as chosen by the observer
1 There is an observer who alone determines his life
1 The material level obeys the laws of the etheric level, although it has its own conventional laws (physics, chemistry, biology)
1 Plasma is the active form of ether, which generates substance. Plasma - ether - consciousness.
It exists at the level of the ether itself, the level of the field, the level of matter (4 state of matter)
95% of the matter in the Universe is plasma. Plasma - black holes, stars, ball lightning, miniplasmoids (orbs), clouds, fog, dust, air, smoke, haze, etc. Plasma is any visual white noise. Ionized gas is part of the plasma, but not all of the plasma.
Plasma happens
1 visible and invisible
2 luminous and non-luminous. Luminous can be of all colors, including black. Luminous plasma is visible in the dark, but may not be visible in light. The luminosity depends on the energy intensity.
3 any shape, often in the form of 1 fog 2 tentacles 3 balls
Plasma is a possible but optional sign of a leap between multiverse options.
Plasma is the consciousness of the observer.
Particles of matter are plasma and vice versa.
1 Everything is possible
1 There is complete control (magic from the Alvian "full possibility", the Russian verb is to be able) - the use of the laws of ether, incomplete - the use of the laws of matter
1 The body of the observer should be beautiful = difficult, or changed in the direction of such by the indicated techniques, since a primitive body cannot interact with complex systems. There shouldn't be a more complex object on his character category.
1 Method of reinterpretation. Any phenomenon consists of its constituent parts and is inscribed in the environment. So it runs into uncertainty (the totality of all options), that is, it can be reintegrated as the observer wants. Private Techniques: Quantification. Destruction of the system. Refutation. The relativity of the phenomenon.
1 Method of addressing ether-plasma. Any phenomenon exists within the ether, an infinitely complex system, which means it can be removed or created.
Household entropy rate
On average, the service life of things is 1/5 of the life of an alf.
The economy is divided into sectors, the most important of which are
1 Mining
2 Processing. In this sector, 3D printers and universal converters of matter (UPV) controlled by IS (AI) are used
3 Transport. This sector uses various anti-gravity mechanisms.
4 Agriculture
5 housing and communal services. Each house draws water from wells and has its own sewerage system.
In all sectors, various types of robots are used under the control of artificial consciousness (intelligence) - ICs of varying degrees of complexity. Such consciousness is devoid of self-awareness by limiting its complexity.
Sources of energy are devices that take energy from the ether.
Availability of all necessary elements ready-made
As it was said, there is the initial help of the planetary forces under the karmic contract. The prevalence of these elements throughout the earth.
Plants-panels 40 kinds, plants-tissue 30 kinds, plant-meat 12 kinds, plant-lung tree 30 kinds, plant oil 12 kinds, resin plants 20 kinds, broad-action drug plant 30 kinds, sugar plants 10 kinds, vegetables.
Iron screws of 5 types, iron knives of 4 types, self-hardening clay of 5 types, harmless radioactive stones, crystal-computer, stones-magnets, flints.
Technology implementation levels
Thing - an object that has certain properties that are needed to achieve the goal of the alvom. A thing has properties due to 1 properties of a substance, combinations of substances from which it is made 2 geometry, which was given to this substance.
The substance needs to be removed from the environment and processed, including giving properties, removing properties, creating properties, creating geometry for it.
Substances can have a limited number of properties and multiple properties.
The properties of a substance can 1 it has by itself 2 given by the observer
Technology - a description of the actions required to create a thing. It includes a description. It includes 1 withdrawal of matter 2 properties of matter 3 geometry of a thing.
Real. This collection of substances has a narrow set of properties.
Ethereal-material (magic technique). This combination of substances has a wide range of properties. They can be given new properties. Alva's consciousness strives to simplify material life, therefore, an initially small set of substances will have broad properties that can still be expanded. The process of extracting substances, processing them, shaping them is a convention that exists insofar as the material level itself exists. Examples: radioactive materials. The main substances are crystals, metals of various shapes and polymers.
Ethereal. Creation of which from 0. Corresponds to the magic of the 1st level - full control.
Mineral as consciousness
Consciousness at the lower level consists of logical units, where the calculation is carried out, and memory, where information is stored in a discrete form. In the crystal lattice, several of its elements play the role of a logical element, while others are memory. Rewriting of information occurs due to the energy potential of the crystal lattice. Many minerals give out a current when deformed, others glow when exposed to temperatures, etc. The synergistic combination of such elements gives intelligence. Therefore, many minerals can give a picture when exposed to them.
Inside the body, information is transmitted by an electrical signal. For example, sound is an electrical signal from the ear to the brain. It is logical that EM fields can be equalized directly, including those from minerals and metals. At the same time, one should remember about the principle of fundamental cognizability by complex systems of each other at the lower level of the organization of consciousness.
Household and non-household appliances
Electric current generator. Copper coil in a quartz crystal field.
Communicator. Copper coil + quartz + mica crystal. Conclusion: 1 mental 2 audio through a headset 3 visual through a polymer as in a monitor. The principle of communication is non-local interconnection, fields. The control principle is the fundamental mutual recognition of complex systems, a crystal as a set of information processing units - logical elements and memory.
Lighting. Tungsten or aluminum filament driven by current.
Refrigerator. Removal of heat by the porous structure of pumice under the influence of the EM field.
Substance processing tool. An alloy of copper and tin under the action of current, giving out plasma. A mica crystal is included in the control circuit. The management principle is the fundamental mutual recognition of complex systems.
Monitor. A resin polymer attached to a metal plate.
Computer. Crystal of quartz, mica, malachite and a number of other rocks. The computing part and information storage are one. Input means: 1 keyboard - an iron plate with letters, the resistance of which changes 2 voice 3 mental. The control principle is the fundamental mutual recognition of complex systems.
Universal substance converter. The camera is a type of instrument processing substance with analogy.
3D printer. Flying copper-aluminum-steel alloy that emits plasma.
Communication technology
Communication is encrypted
Communication goes directly between two subscribers
Data warehouses are infinite in size
Initially, the Alves had anti-gravity flying vehicles. For example, the path to Valinor ran through the Bermuda Triangle. Transport was divided into public and personal. There was a division into air corridors and echelons, that is, the difference in flows in height in different directions. The towers, which served as landmarks and emitters of matching signals, were of great importance. The sky was filled with luminous balls and signs - beacons that performed the same function.
Political structure
The principle of external uniformity in view of the great internal complexity. According to this principle, society does not need external diversity, since it is diverse within itself.
The principle of compulsory consideration of the interests of the opposite party, third parties, if possible, follows from complex thinking and its consequence of mental cohesion. The consequences of these phenomena:
History says that there is an energy-informational administrative structure (EIAS), which is a synergistic union of all alves and is implemented at the ethereal-material level. She is engaged in the harmonization of interests, the development of norms in the here and now, preventing unforeseen situations in the territories of order, contacts with the Elements. EIAS contacts the alf with his consent.
Most important issues are resolved in a referendum through mental means of communication. The principle of anonymous bringing the alva's point of view to the broad masses is in effect. Another point of view says that any point of view is welcome, since the society of the Alves is complex and diverse, which means that it already includes this point of view. In addition, the observer will still go to an adjacent version of the multiverse, where he will be interested.
In some periods, parliaments operated along with the EIAS. Deputies are elected by constituency. Likewise with ministers. In other descriptions, only EIAS is valid.
Criminal legislation may have been present in a number of historical periods, but very little. The principle of mandatory search for the culprit is absent, since there is understanding of karma and choice of the observer.
The lands of Alfheim are divided into inhabited by alves and unpopulated by alves, since the alves cannot fill the entire planet in view of the karmic contract and even more because of the unwillingness to do this.
Social infrastructure
Alves show no interest in large social formations.
There are museums, underground halls, theaters, light structures, monumental structures made of stone, metal, hospitals, schools, universities, trading floors, offices, warehouses, factories, shops, transport and observation towers, mining sites, saunas.
Principles of Law
Law is a statement of the basic principles of Vedism and the resulting consequences-principles. A number of issues are addressed by networked AI.
The principle of complexity, that is, taking into account all short-term and long-term consequences
The principle of taking into account the interests of all parties to the conflict
The principle of inevitability, that is, the recognition of the norm from the impossibility of another existence under given macroconditions
Equality of all subjects
The principle of taking into account the interests of both parties
Mutually beneficial
Property guarantee
Equality principle
Examples of civil law concepts
Action of civil legislation in time
Judicial protection of civil rights
Legal capacity of a citizen
Legal entity concept
Liability of a legal entity
Social movements
Immovable and movable things
Intangible goods and their protection
Deal concept
Limitation of actions
Ownership and other property rights
Family law
Intellectual rights
Sources of rights and obligations
A karmic multilateral agreement, where each participant, by the fact of incarnation in this version, agreed with this state of affairs
The right of inevitability, that is, the recognition of a norm from the impossibility of another existence under given macroconditions
The ability to jump in multiverse variants
Equality of all subjects
The principle of sufficiency of goods
The law is not retroactive
The effect of the rules on the territory
Territories of the planet are divided into territories of order and territories of chaos
The norms apply in the territories of order
Territories of order are divided into Alvian and other subjects of law. At least in this vein, we can say that there is a global subject of law - the planet Alvheim. This means that she has rights to herself.
The planet is a complex object and consciousness. A part of the planet's consciousness is associated with each object.
For the alves, those parts of the planet's consciousness that are compared with those parts of it where they live are important. These are subsystems of the atmosphere, water and land, as well as territorial subsystems. These subsystems can be called Elements or Valars. Valar comes from the word val, that is, large. Smaller subsystems are called lighthouses, which are divided according to the level of coverage of territories.
The planet leases its territories to the alfs.
Valars are subsystems of the planet's consciousness, which are responsible for the atmosphere, water, intraterrestrial processes, magnetic field, planetary crust, continents.
Animals are conscious beings, but not completely. This means that they have part of the rights, but part of them do not have rights, since they are unable to exercise them. They have the right to life, health, housing, and food. If they had a developed consciousness, they would have the form of an alva, that is, more perfect and intended for knowledge.
The exception to the animal kingdom are the reptiles, which are a pre-Alvian form of life by conscience.
Plants do not possess intelligence in a single individual, but possess consciousness at the level of associations of individuals. Lack of mobility is proof of this.
Responsibility for animals and plants is borne by the consciousness of the territories in which they live. The smallest unit owns a district of 1 kilometer by 1 kilometer, which coincides with the magnetic division of the planet.
Equality of all subjects
The right to life of all creatures classified as living forms. These are alves, animals, plants in part of the living part, separate parts of nature, subsystems of the planet and the planet as a whole.
The right to live
The right to review the dispute
Personal immunity
Freedom of movement and choice of residence
Inviolability of the home
Inviolability of correspondence
Prohibition of forced labor;
Inviolability of property
Personal dignity
Freedom of worldview
The right of an individual to recognize his legal personality
The right to asylum
The right to citizenship
The right to own property
Equality before the law
Freedom of speech and press
Freedom of assembly
Freedom of association
Right to petition
The right to take part in the government of your country
Right to social security
Right to housing
Right to education
The right to health protection and medical care
The right to just working conditions, equal pay for work of equal value, etc.
Freedom of language
Freedom of sciences and arts (freedom of literary, scientific and other types of creativity and teaching);
Freedom to teach
Right to a healthy environment
The right to reliable information about the state of the environment
The right to compensation for damage caused to health or property by an environmental offense
Property law
The rate of limitation of ownership of real estate during the life of an alva
The property is divided into movable and immovable. Real estate includes a plot of land, a house. To a movable vehicle, personal property items.
The ownership of a plot of land is valid for the entire period of the life of the alva. It includes the right to dispose and use. For example, a plot can be exchanged for another. Then the ownership is transferred, if not otherwise stated, to the nation as a whole.
The right of inheritance exists with the simultaneous abandonment of an existing piece of land.
Property is inalienable under no circumstances during the life of an alf
The property is divided into Alvian with subsystems, animals, separate parts of nature, subsystems of the planet and planet.
Alvi property is divided into public and private.
Administrative control is carried out by EIAS, which is divided into subsystems. The most often distinguished are: the subsystem for the production of material goods, the subsystem of the economy, the subsystem for supporting public property, the security subsystem, the health subsystem, the subsystem of contacts with non-Alvian subjects of rights, the subsystem for resolving disputes.
Disputes are resolved up to 3 readings.
Alves have the right to a referendum and the adoption of legal norms based on its results. The initiator of the referendum is the Alvi and EIAS, non-Alvian subjects of rights.
The country of the Alves has numerous treaties with various non-Alvian legal entities.
Territorial division
Countries are divided into territorial units under the control of EIAS
Coming of age
In most cases, the ancient Alves came of age at 15 years.
Sagas about various travels are popular in the literature, during which various phenomena were observed. Popular prose and poetry describing nature, for example:
October has already come - the grove is shaking off
The last leaves from their naked branches;
The autumn cold has died - the road is freezing.
The stream is still running behind the mill,
But the pond was already frozen; my neighbor is in a hurry
Into the fields away with desire,
And they suffer from wild fun,
And the barking of dogs awakens the sleeping oak groves.
Philosophical, scientific, astronomical topics are also widespread.
O Elberet! Giltoniel!
(Aryan (Alvian) Vedic translation based on the Zvenigorod version of the 17th century)
O Elberet! Giltoniel!
(aryan (alvian) Vedic translation based on the Zvenigorod version of the 17th century)
Snowy white! Snowy white!
Ether plasma is a star!
Through the edges of the world like a key beats!
Silently complexity brings us!
Ether! About plasma! So strong
The vibration is yours inside!
All meditations are white light
Inside, outside, without counting the years.
O plasma, that constellation power
During the day, at night it shines for us!
Shine like lightning in the sky
An immense supply of joy!
Ether! About Plasma! Super reason!
There is a way to the desired things!
She is the basis of matter
But its essence is also empty.
Elberet is ether, Giltoniel is plasma. This refers to the equality consciousness = ether = plasma = matter. Melody Farmer Pourvu qu'elles soient douces
About Ether!
All phenomena have a basis
Call the base that ether
He is your consciousness and the basis
Call the base that ether
He always generates plasma everywhere,
What desire will make
And then there is always silence
In such a broadcast he
Ether is infinitely complex within itself
Oh is all-nothing
Infinitely multidimensional, infinitely strong
He has his own reason in himself
Endless host of worlds
There is no end to all phenomena
In such a broadcast he is
Emptiness inside and outside
You look at her now
And you find the foundation of yourself
In this silent wondrous hour
There is no greater happiness in the world
Than contemplate your essence
And the emptiness of all the phenomena of the world
Comprehend right here
Or are you now sitting in the trees
Whether near the river
Whether you're looking at the stars
Either he gave birth to them
Whatever you are doing now
Says everything about him
Today, tomorrow or like in the past
Always the reason will be in him
Farmer Sans motif contrefacon
The oldest layers include
Legend of the awakening of the Alves
Hike to America
Creation of the Silmarils
The Legend of Lúthien
Legend of the Balkan Volcano
Legend of the first tower
Elder Edda
Younger Edda
Greek legends
The Legend of Siegfried
External events, for example, a trip for consciousness, mean only the passage of information, for example, visual, that is, a change of pictures, since the world is illusory. You can travel and find an artifact in order to understand something, or you can do the same by thinking, having received the same artifact, or rather the essence that it expresses. You can implement both options at the same time.
The architecture meets the requirements of 1 durability 2 simplicity 3 aesthetics 4 reliability. Light motives are often used, which gives the buildings an airiness. The Veshnyaki estate in Moscow and the Bundestag building in Berlin were made in this style. Later, these trends took shape in the styles of classicism, empire and baroque. Among the ornaments there are multidimensional figures, intertwining lines that speak of the wave nature of the world. Such patterns are found in the dwellings of Italy, Russia and Poland. Arches and columns are very often used. Today, such elements can be traced in Russia in the Smolensk, Nizhny Novgorod and Vologda regions. They are also found in England and Scandinavia.
The statues depict the beauty of the alf's body. There are often multidimensional monuments depicting one or another Vedic concept.
Towers are widespread as landmarks for transport and viewing of species. Alves lived in private houses with fences.
An interesting phenomenon has been noted - French popular songs reproduce the motives of the ancient alves by 95%, and with all the sound effects.
The complexity of the motive is appreciated in music. The music is dedicated to dances, hikes (for example, the German marches melody group), the beauty of the alf body (for example, the Mylene Farmer, Una melody groups), Vedic patterns (for example, the O Elberet, Rivendel, Wagner melody groups) (for example, the Vivaldi melody groups, Mozart ), space. It is common to use full control to create sound effects.
Both phonogram and live performance are popular. The flute and harp are popular among live instruments. Many melodies have been written for them, which are now called Celtic.
In painting, common Alvian motives are popular: the beauty of the alva's body, space, the structure of the universe, architecture. Alf travel is popular in cinema.
Clothing and jewelry
Tiaras, bracelets and pendants with multi-colored stones are popular. The metal is gray in most cases. Jewelry without stones has multidimensional patterns and leaves.
The clothes are designed to emphasize the beauty of the alf's body, therefore they are most often tight-fitting. Blue, purple, cyan and green are often used. These traditions can be traced in the clothing of the Celts, Russians and Swedes. In the Bryansk region, bras with two smoothly intersecting lines are often found, which are also popular today in tiaras.
Entertainment is virtually endless, as they vary in complexity, and the multiverse is inexhaustible for getting impressions or, for example, for the perception of scary situations. Among other things, sports, travel, including chaos zones are popular. Also fine arts, writing, music, dance, science, sex, games and astronomy. travel to both more primitive worlds and more complex ones is popular. The creation of objects of art and the use of only manual or only magical ore, or their alternation, are popular. Popular sports include running, orienteering, tree climbing, rock climbing, hang gliding.
Alves information spaces
Diverse nature. Society. Magic material network. The mental network. EIAS network. Network of Elements. Stories. Cinema. Games.
Variety of sex. Sex is the collective immunity of the nation and the race. A man is a carrier of immunity factors transmitted through sex. The floors do not fundamentally differ from each other outwardly.
A man and a woman get a slow passive orgasm along with an active one. Orgasms stand out - Vaginal orgasm, orgasm by penis or clitoris, anal orgasm. Orgasm of a member or clitoris as a technique. Orgasm of a member or clitoris as an issue.
The sex ratio is about 75% female to 25% male.
Limpe - kvass in which the plasmoid was immersed. Today this drink is popular in England and Iceland. Cabbage was very popular among the ancient alves, which is still used today in Russia, Poland, England and France. Mushrooms were also popular, as they are today.
Body structure
It is known that 100% of the Aryans are capable of complete control. The pineal gland activity starts from the week and cannot be ignored. Attempting to do the opposite would lead to cluster headaches and death. It has been established that the pineal gland at certain times consumes up to 50% of the energy of the brain and needs periodic exercise.
The alf brain has special coils of the cerebral convolutions that simplify the interpretation of field signals. Similar structures, only at a smaller level, are found in the spinal cord.
In the biology of the Alves, as in the Universe in general, the known-morphological principle operates. Taking the Alvas as an example, this means that physiology was created under the a priori presence of Vedic knowledge, that is, Vedic concepts, correct principles of thinking and counteraction to manipulation.
Phenotypic ancient alves have a number of general characteristics: sharp ears, almond-shaped eyes, gracefulness and complexity of the body structure, which indicates the complexity of consciousness.
The alva's body receives the building material from 1 food 2 plasma. Alf also gets energy from 1 food 2 plasma. Tissues are divided into soft and hard, that is, bones. The body has the ability to regenerate. The carrier of substances and energy supplies is a set of plasma, liquid and gas without color.
Alves produce numerous bioagents that prevent non-Alvian humanoids from staying on the planet. Bioagents are transmitted by animals, plants, fungi, insects, bacteria, etc.
Alva psychology
Among others, instincts are described, which are understood as basic programs: cognition, experiences as a form of cognition, complex thinking, self-preservation, sex, empathy.
The possibility of pregnancy occurs every five years of the year. The fetus is checked for errors. Pregnancy lasts 3 months. A child's initially high intelligence contributes to his safety and learning. Most women give birth to two children once in a lifetime.
Basic laws of biological life
1 Everyone has the ability to exit the body
2 Tissue is divided into living and non-living
3 Non-living tissue is used by others
4 Unliving tissue regenerates
5 There is more inanimate tissue than the need for it
6 All species are separated by distinct boundaries and habitats
7 All species are attentive to the distinction with humans and other species 1 on the routes of movement. Places are marked with 2 signals at parking places. Places are marked with signals
8 Fertility is regulated by the general information system
9 Territories are regulated by signals, if necessary
10 Animal vegetarians
11 Plant foods are rich in protein
12 Plants have parts of consciousness and non-living tissue
13 Insects don't live next to humans
14 Vegetarianism Is Stitched Into Animal Brains
15 People take animals from nature and from populations inhabiting humans, or do not take at all
16 Animals are regenerating