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Philosophy - posted by guest on 20th October 2019 09:06:49 AM

*Make the best use of what you have/could have 

*Balance everything in your favor

*Engage in simple living

It is The Struggle itself that is most important, Strive to be greater than we are.

It doesn't matter that we never reach the ultimate goal. The effort yields its own rewards.

On the other side, letting go of things that don`t work is just as important.

A lot of teachings repeatedly affirm, limit our perception, make us tense, and obscure our nature.

Work with what you have until you find something/someone better

Condition yourself to succeed and use every advantage

Quality over Quantity

Substance over Style

Practicality over Idealism

Practice over Theory

Pull over Push

Personal Will over External Regulation

Great Work requires Dedication and Sacrifice


Overestimating groups abilities

Believing in inherent morality

Developing rationalization for failures

Stereotyping adversaries

Suppressing doubts, reservations and criticism

Illusionary belief in unanimousness

Sure, there are limits but the human mind/body is full of warning systems that trigger prematurely, you are capable of much more than you think.

Recommended Read:

Remaking Society, Re-Enchanting Humanity by Murray Bookchin

Democracy in America by Alexis de Tocqueville

The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius

Alamut by Vladimir Bartol

On Duties by Marcus Tullius Cicero

The Prince by Niccol? Machiavelli

Leviathan by Thomas Hobbes

Analects of Confucius

Make Something or Be Forgotten , The key to all things is Determination 

Who’s stopping you? … What’s stopping you? … What’s holding you back?

Work It Out

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