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Untitled - posted by guest on 1st March 2020 12:32:44 PM
It’s important to represent minority voices in government.
The most efficient states have strong central governments.
While you can certainly be a good person without having some kind of religious belief, you cannot be a fully moral person.
The more profits companies make, the more they benefit their workers - and the nation - as a whole.
It’s important to support and protect your family above society as a whole.
Some industries are best left up to the public sector to control.
We can learn more about how to behave from the past than from the present or future.
More countries should form international committees and pacts like the EU, UN, and NATO.
Countries should focus on fixing their own problems before focusing on the problems of others.
Sometimes, government leaders must do unpopular things for the good of the people.
We should focus on protecting our own interests when interacting with other countries.
A government is strongest when it most directly follows the will of its constituents.
There’s a good reason my culture’s traditions and beliefs have held up for so long.
When people own things and are rewarded for merit, they’re more likely to want to succeed.
All government documents should be in the national language(s) - anything more is a waste of resources.
Immigrants should try their best to adapt to the local culture.
Immigration is inherently good and should be promoted however possible.
The majority of people don’t know what’s best for them.
Religion and politics should be separated, even in the case of lawmaking based on religious morals.
Governments trying to interfere with the economy almost always leads to disaster.
The most beneficial solution is often the most profitable one.
While science is good for improving society, it shouldn’t take the place of morals.
Some things, like which businesses sink or swim, should ultimately be left up to the market.
Countries have gotten far too tied up in international trade and treaties.
Whether you believe in stimulus packages or increased taxes, recessions are best handled by the government.
Gated communities and neighborhood watch groups only enforce societal divides.
Societies seem to be in a steady moral decline - things were much better in the olden days.
Diverse cultures benefit society - cultures don’t degrade each other, they augment each other.
It’s a natural law (and a good law to follow) that people of the same races and ethnicities should stick to their own.
A strong border is important for maintaining a safe, independent nation.