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Pimsleur thai crib notes - posted by guest on 20th August 2020 03:04:16 PM
Posted 20 August 2009 - 02:17 PM
As I am having yet another go at Pimsleurs 30 lessons, I thought that I would post my crib sheet of the content of the lessons as I go along. Anyone else setting out on this venture may find the crib useful. I understand that Pimsleur is available for download on various torrent sites.
Pimsleur Thai
1 krap politeness expression - male; yes (m) see later notes on when 'chai' is also required re yes / no answers
ka politeness expression - female; yes (f) see later notes on when 'chai' is also required re yes / no answers
mai krap no (m) see later notes on when 'chai' is also required re yes / no answers
mai ka no (f)) see later notes on when 'chai' is also required re yes / no answers
kor-toht-krap excuse me (m)
kor-toht-ka excuse me (f)
sa-wat-dee krap / ka hello
korp-khun krap / ka thank you
nit-noi a little
pass-ah language
pass-ah thai Thai language
pass-ah ankrit English language
khun you
pom I (m)
dee-chan I (f)
khao-jai to understand
Kon person
pen is / are
mai at end of sentence before krap/ka = question
Khun pen you are
Pom pen I am (m)
pom pen kon ankrit krap I am English (m) ( I am person English)
khun pen kon ankrit chai mai krap are you English? (you are person English?) chai' used in 'are you' questions
chai krap Yes chai' used in answer to 'are you' questions
mai chai krap No chai' used in answer to 'are you' questions
pom mai chai con Thai krap I am not Thai (f)
dee-chan mai chai con Thai ka I am not Thai (m)
kon Amer-ee-kan American person
khun khao-jai pass-ah Thai mai krap Do you understand Thai?
pom Khao-jai pass-ah Thai nit-noi krap I understand Thai a little.
2, 3, 4 mahr very
dee well
dee mahr very well
dai can
poote to speak
mai-khao-dee-tao-rai not so very well
mai-tao-rai not that much
baar but
khun poote dai ... you can speak ...
khun poote pass-ah Thai dai mai krap Can you speak Thai?
pom poote pass-ah Thai dai nit-noi krap I can speak a little Thai
khun poote pass-ah Thai dai dee mahr krap You can speak Thai very well.
pom poote pass-ah Thai dai mai-khao-dee-tao-rai krap I can speak Thai not so very well
than-on Road
tee-nai Where?
you is (located)
tee-nee here
tee-nohn over there
thanon Sillom you tee-nai krap Where is Sillom Road?
thanon Sillom you tee-nee krap Sillom Road is here
thanon Sillom you tee-nohn krap Sillom Road is over there
you tee-nee chai mai krap Is it (located) here? Use 'chai' with 'is it' questions & hence 'chai' or 'mai chai' in response
you tee-nohn krap It is (located) over there.
mai you tee-nee krap It is not (located) here.
5 lao khun la And what about you? (And you what about?)
saab to know
yah would like / want
gin eat / drink
cow rice
namm water
a-rai What?
khun yah gin cow mai krap Would you like to eat? To eat add 'cow' as eating assumes rice.
khun yah gin namm mai krap Would you like to drink water?
pom yah gin cow krap I would like to eat.
pom yah gin namm krap I would like to drink water.
khun yah gin a-rai krap What would you like to eat / have?
6 doo-ay too, also
chai-in iced tea
ran-a-harn restaurant
tee at / on
tee ran-a-harn at a restaurant
khun yah gin cow tee-nai krap where would you like to eat?
pom yah gin cow tee ran-a-harn (name) krap I want to eat at the (name) restaurant
ran-a-harn you tee than-on Sillom krap The restaurant is (located)on Sillom Road
tee ran-a-harn reu krap At a restaurant is it? Use 'reu' as question word when confirming something
mai chai krap; mai chai tee ran-a-harn No; it's not at a restaurant Use 'chai' in response to 'reu' questions
chai krap; chai tee ran-a-harn Yes; it's at a restaurant Use 'chai' in response to 'reu' questions
ran-a-harn you tee-nee mai krap Is the restaurant (located) here? standard question
krap; ran-a-harn you tee-nee krap Yes; the restaurant is here. standard answer
mai krap; ran-a-harn mai you tee-nee krap No; the restaurant is not here. standard answer
ran-a-harn you tee-nee reu krap The restaurant is here isn't it? confirming question
chai krap; ran-a-harn chai tee-nee krap Yes; the restaurant is here. confirming answer
chai mai krap; ran-a-harn mai chai tee-nee krap No; the restaurant is not here. confirming answer
7 don-nee now, at this time
tee-lan another time
meu-a-rai when?
khun yah gin cow don-nee mai krap would you like to eat now?
meu-a-rai krap; don-nee reu krap when? Now is it?
mai chai don-nee no, not now
tee-lan reu krap Another time is it?
lao-wy wine
bee-ar beer
khun yah gin chai-in meu-a-rai when do you want to drink iced tea?
don-nee pom mai yah gin nam krap I don't want to drink water at this time.
8, 9, 10 a-harn-gran-whan lunch
koo-at bottle
bee-ar song koo-at 2 bottles of beer
bai gin cow to go
bai gin cow to go to eat
reu or
bee-ar reu lao-wy beer or wine
korr would like to order
pom korr .. may I have / I would like to order
pom korr bee-ar song koo-at krap may I have 2 bottles of beer
pom ya bai gin a-harn-gran-whan krap I would like to go to eat lunch
dumme to drink
tamm to do
khun yah tamm a-rai krap What would you like to do?
seu to buy
seu kon to buy something
kon something; thing
pom ya bai seu kon krap I want to go to buy something
gap with
gap khun with you
bai gap khun go with you
kry who; whom
bpai gap kry reu krap go with who(m)?
rong-rehm hotel
tee rong rehm (name) at the hotel (name)
khun saab mai krap; thanon Sillom you tee-nai krap. Do you know where Sillom Road is? In Thai requires 2 separate questions
gee how much; how many
laa-ou already
mohng time
gee mohng laa-ou krap what time is it? (how much time is it already?)
don at the hotel (name)
dee neung 1am
dee sorng 2am
dee sahm 3am
dee see 4am
dee hah 5am
hok mohng chow 6am based on 'chow' is 'morning'
neung mohng chow 7am based on 'chow' is 'morning'
sorng mohng chow 8am based on 'chow' is 'morning'
sahm mohng chow 9am based on 'chow' is 'morning'
see mohng chow 10am based on 'chow' is 'morning'
hah mohng chow 11am based on 'chow' is 'morning'
tee-ang 12 noon
bai mohng 1pm based on 'bai' is 'afternoon'
bai sorng mohng 2pm based on 'bai' is 'afternoon'
bai sahm mohng 3pm based on 'bai' is 'afternoon'
(1) bai see mohng; (2) see mohng yen 4pm see above & below
hah mohng yen 5pm based on 'yen' is 'evening'
hok mohng yen 6pm based on 'yen' is 'evening'
neung tuum 7pm based on 'tuum' is 'night'
sorng tuum 8pm based on 'tuum' is 'night'
sahm tuum 9pm based on 'tuum' is 'night'
see tuum 10pm based on 'tuum' is 'night'
hah tuum 11pm based on 'tuum' is 'night'
(1)hok tuum; (2) tee-ang keun 12 midnight
don bai sahm mohng at 2pm
don bai sahm mohng reu don bai see mohng at 2pm or 3pm
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#2 gogo dog
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Posted 20 August 2009 - 02:41 PM
Don't forget the tones.
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#3 Nana Fly
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Posted 20 August 2009 - 02:54 PM
Thanks for this bocelli27. I've just started doing the Thai Pimsleur lessons again & your crib sheet will come into good use.
I hope in time, cribs sheets for lessons 11-20 & 21-30 are eventually posted.
Thanks again - most appreciated.
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#4 bocelli27
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Posted 20 August 2009 - 05:45 PM
• I have ignored the tones because I am assuming the crib will be used in conjunction with the lessons so that the tones can be heard and imitated.
I am intending to work through the remaining 20 lessons in the same way; I have them on a excel spreadsheet which may be a better way of posting them as an attachment ; or I could email it to any interested parties
Posted 21 August 2009 - 03:26 AM
khun pen kon ankrit chai mai krap are you English? (you are person English?) chai' used in 'are you' questions
chai krap Yes chai' used in answer to 'are you' questions
You can think of châi măi , ใช่ไหม as "Is that right/so/the truth"?
2, 3, 4 mahr very
dee mahr very well
Do you mean mâak มาก ?
mai-khao-dee-tao-rai not so very well
mâi kôi dee tâo-rai , ไม่ค่อยดีเท่าไร
baar but
Do you mean dtàe , แต่ ?
5 lao khun la And what about you? (And you what about?)
láew , แล้ว
khun yah gin cow mai krap Would you like to eat? To eat add 'cow' as eating assumes rice.
khun yah gin namm mai krap Would you like to drink water?
pom yah gin cow krap I would like to eat.
pom yah gin namm krap I would like to drink water.
khun yah gin a-rai krap What would you like to eat / have?
yàak , อยาก
yàak jà , อยากจะ
tee-lan another time
tee lăng , ทีหลัง , later ; afterward ; next (ends with a G)
8, 9, 10 a-harn-gran-whan lunch
aa-hăan glaang wan , อาหารกลางวัน , there is an L not R in glaang, plus a G on the end.
seu kon to buy something
kon something; thing
séu kŏng , ซื้อของ, note the ending in G
mohng time
way-laa , เวลา is usually used for time
mohng , โมง means hour or O'clock, but is used as in "what time is it?"
tee-ang 12 noon
Also tîang wan, เที่ยงวัน
This post has been edited by Loong: 21 August 2009 - 03:28 AM
Pimsleur Thai
Lesson Thai vocabulary English vocabulary Additional notes
1 krap politeness expression - male; yes (m) see later notes on when 'chai' is also required re yes / no answers
ka politeness expression - female; yes (f) see later notes on when 'chai' is also required re yes / no answers
mai krap no (m) see later notes on when 'chai' is also required re yes / no answers
mai ka no (f)) see later notes on when 'chai' is also required re yes / no answers
kor-toht-krap excuse me (m)
kor-toht-ka excuse me (f)
sa-wat-dee krap / ka hello
korp-khun krap / ka thank you
nit-noi a little
pass-ah language
pass-ah thai Thai language
pass-ah ang-grit English language
khun you
pom I (m)
dee-chan I (f)
khao-jai to understand
Kon person
pen is / are
mai at end of sentence before krap/ka = question
Khun pen you are
Pom pen I am (m)
pom pen kon ang-grit krap I am English (m) ( I am person English)
khun pen kon ang-grit chai mai krap are you English? (you are person English?) chai' used in 'are you' questions
chai krap Yes chai' used in answer to 'are you' questions
mai chai krap No chai' used in answer to 'are you' questions
pom mai chai kon Thai krap I am not Thai (f)
dee-chan mai chai kon Thai ka I am not Thai (m)
kon Amer-ee-kan American person
khun khao-jai pass-ah Thai mai krap Do you understand Thai?
pom Khao-jai pass-ah Thai nit-noi krap I understand Thai a little.
2, 3, 4 mahk very also 'a lot of'
dee well
dee mahk very well
dai can
poote to speak
mai-koi-dee-tao-rai not so very well
mai-tao-rai not that much
baar but
khun poote dai ... you can speak ...
khun poote pass-ah Thai dai mai krap Can you speak Thai?
pom poote pass-ah Thai dai nit-noi krap I can speak a little Thai
khun poote pass-ah Thai dai dee mahk krap You can speak Thai very well.
pom poote pass-ah Thai dai mai-koi-dee-tao-rai krap I can speak Thai not so very well
than-on Road
tee-nai Where?
you is (located)
tee-nee here
tee-nohn over there
thanon Sillom you tee-nai krap Where is Sillom Road?
thanon Sillom you tee-nee krap Sillom Road is here
thanon Sillom you tee-nohn krap Sillom Road is over there
you tee-nee chai mai krap Is it (located) here? Use 'chai' with 'is it' questions & hence 'chai' or 'mai chai' in response
you tee-nohn krap It is (located) over there.
mai you tee-nee krap It is not (located) here.
5 laew khun la And what about you? (And you what about?)
saab to know
yaak would like / want
gin eat / drink
cow rice
namm water
a-rai What?
khun yaak gin cow mai krap Would you like to eat? To eat add 'cow' as eating assumes rice.
khun yaak gin namm mai krap Would you like to drink water?
pom yaak gin cow krap I would like to eat.
pom yaak gin namm krap I would like to drink water.
khun yaak gin a-rai krap What would you like to eat / have?
6 doo-ay too, also
chai-in iced tea
ran-a-harn restaurant
tee at / on
tee ran-a-harn at a restaurant
khun yaak gin cow tee-nai krap where would you like to eat?
pom yaak gin cow tee ran-a-harn (name) krap I want to eat at the (name) restaurant
ran-a-harn you tee than-on Sillom krap The restaurant is (located)on Sillom Road
tee ran-a-harn reu krap At a restaurant is it? Use 'reu' as question word when confirming something
mai chai krap; mai chai tee ran-a-harn No; it's not at a restaurant Use 'chai' in response to 'reu' questions
chai krap; chai tee ran-a-harn Yes; it's at a restaurant Use 'chai' in response to 'reu' questions
ran-a-harn you tee-nee mai krap Is the restaurant (located) here? standard question
krap; ran-a-harn you tee-nee krap Yes; the restaurant is here. standard answer
mai krap; ran-a-harn mai you tee-nee krap No; the restaurant is not here. standard answer
ran-a-harn you tee-nee reu krap The restaurant is here isn't it? confirming question
chai krap; ran-a-harn chai tee-nee krap Yes; the restaurant is here. confirming answer
chai mai krap; ran-a-harn mai chai tee-nee krap No; the restaurant is not here. confirming answer
7 don-nee now, at this time
tee-lang another time
meu-a-rai when?
khun yaak gin cow don-nee mai krap would you like to eat now?
meu-a-rai krap; don-nee reu krap when? Now is it?
mai chai don-nee no, not now
tee-lang reu krap Another time is it?
laew-wy wine
bee-ar beer
khun yaak gin chai-in meu-a-rai when do you want to drink iced tea?
don-nee pom mai yaak gin nam krap I don't want to drink water at this time.
8, 9, 10 a-harn-glahng-wan lunch
koo-at bottle
bee-ar song koo-at 2 bottles of beer
bai to go
bai gin cow to go to eat
reu or
bee-ar reu laew-wy beer or wine
korr would like to order
pom korr .. may I have / I would like to order
pom korr bee-ar song koo-at krap may I have 2 bottles of beer
pom ya bai gin a-harn-glahng-wan krap I would like to go to eat lunch
dumme to drink
tamm to do
khun yaak tamm a-rai krap What would you like to do?
seu to buy
seu kong to buy something
kong something; thing
pom yaak bai seu kon krap I want to go to buy something
gap with
gap khun with you
bai gap khun go with you
kry who; whom On Pimsleur the female seems to pronounce as 'kry' but the male as 'kly'?
bpai gap kry reu krap go with who(m)?
rong-rehm hotel
tee rong rehm (name) at the hotel (name)
khun saab mai krap; thanon Sillom you tee-nai krap. Do you know where Sillom Road is? In Thai requires 2 separate questions
gee how much; how many
laa-ou already
mohng hour / o'clock
gee mohng laa-ou krap what time is it? (how much time is it already?)
don at in relation to time
dee neung 1am
dee sorng 2am
dee sahm 3am
dee see 4am
dee hah 5am
hok mohng chow 6am based on 'chow' is 'morning'
neung mohng chow 7am based on 'chow' is 'morning'
sorng mohng chow 8am based on 'chow' is 'morning'
sahm mohng chow 9am based on 'chow' is 'morning'
see mohng chow 10am based on 'chow' is 'morning'
hah mohng chow 11am based on 'chow' is 'morning'
tee-ang 12 noon
bai neung mohng 1pm based on 'bai' is 'afternoon'
bai sorng mohng 2pm based on 'bai' is 'afternoon'
bai sahm mohng 3pm based on 'bai' is 'afternoon'
(1) bai see mohng; (2) see mohng yen 4pm see above & below
hah mohng yen 5pm based on 'yen' is 'evening'
hok mohng yen 6pm based on 'yen' is 'evening'
neung tuum 7pm based on 'tuum' is 'night'
sorng tuum 8pm based on 'tuum' is 'night'
sahm tuum 9pm based on 'tuum' is 'night'
see tuum 10pm based on 'tuum' is 'night'
hah tuum 11pm based on 'tuum' is 'night'
(1)hok tuum; (2) tee-ang keun 12 midnight
don bai sahm mohng at 3pm
don bai sahm mohng reu don see mohng yen at 3pm or 4pm
11 don-nee gee mohng laa-ou krap what time is it now?
don-nee hah mohng yen krap it is 5pm / 5 in the evening
don-nee khun yaak bai gin a-harn-glahng-wan mai krap would you like to go to lunch now?
pom yaak gin a-harn-glahng-wan tee-lang krap I would like to have lunch another time
don bai sorng mohng pom yaak bai gin a-harn-glahng-wan krap I would like to go to have lunch at 2pm
a-harn-yen dinner
gin a-harn-yen to eat dinner
bai gin a-harn-yen to go to dinner
don sorng tuum pom yaak bai gin a-harn-yen krap I would like to go to have dinner at 8pm
pom yaak bai gin laew-wy tee-lang krap I would like to go to have wine another time
don gee mohng krap at what time?
khun yaak bai gin a-harn-yen gap pom mai krap would you like to go to dinner with me?
don-nee reu krap now is it?
mai chai krap; mai chai don-nee krap no; not now.
don hah mohng yen krap at 5 in the evening
don hok mohng yen krap at 6 in the evening
don-nee neung tuum krap it is 7pm / 7 at night
don hok mohng yen reu neung tuum krap at 6pm or 7pm?
mai chai don hok mohng yen krap not at 6pm chai' following 'reu' question
yen-nee this evening
yen-nee pom yaak bai gin a-harn-yen krap I would like to go to have dinner this evening
don see tuum krap at 10pm / at 10 at night
don sahm tuum reu see tuum krap at 9pm or 10pm
prun(g)-nee tomorrow
laew prun(g)-nee la krap what about tomorrow?
prun(g)-nee pom yaak bai seu kon krap tomorrow I want to go to buy something
prun(g)-nee pom yaak bai gin a-harn-yen gap khun krap tomorrow I want to go to have dinner with you
prun(g)-nee don-yen tomorrow evening
prun(g)-nee don-yen don neung tuum krap tomorrow evening at 7pm but 7pm is thai night???
mai chai prun(g)-nee krap not tomorrow
mai chai don see tuum krap not at 10pm
wan-nee today
wan-nee pom ya bai seu kon krap today I want to go to buy something
mai chai wan-nee krap not today
mai chai prun(g)-nee don-yen krap not tomorrow evening
don-nee neung tuum tee rong rehm (name) krap at 7pm at the hotel (name)
yen-nee khun yaak tamm a-rai krap what do you want to do this evening?
laew prun(g)-nee don-yen la krap what about tomorrow evening?
prun(g)-nee don-yen khun yaak bai gin a-harn-yen mai krap would you like to go to dinner tomorrow evening?
12 fang to listen
djon-fang please listen
djon-fang eek-tee please listen again
sai-gwa-nan later than that
nan that
sai late
sai-gwa later; more late
dai-mai ok? (can it be?) also as in 'can you' questions- see lesson 15
sai-gwa-nan dai-mai krap later than that - ok?
wan-nee pom bai gin a-harn-yen krap today I am going to have dinner
tao-rai how much?
jai to pay
dong have to
pom dong jai tao-rai krap how much do I have to pay?
pan thousand
neung pan baht 1000 baht
sorng pan baht 2000 baht
sahm pan baht 3000 baht
yen-nee reu krap it's this evening, is it?
prun(g)-nee dai mai krap tomorrow - ok?
jett seven
jett pan baht 7000 baht
jett pan baht reu krap 7000 baht is it?
mai chai ka - hok pan baht no - 6000 baht
khun dong jai see pan baht krap you have to pay 4000 baht
khun yaak bai gin a-harn-yen don gee mohng krap what time would you like to go to have dinner?
13 roy hundred
neung roy baht 100 baht
neung pan jett roy baht 1,700 baht
neung pan sahm roy baht 1,300 baht
sorng roy reu sorng pan baht krap 200 or 2000 baht?
prun(g)-nee don-yen dai mai krap tomorrow evening - ok?
chai krap; preun(g)-nee don neung tuum krap yes, tomorrow at 7pm
ngeun money
ngeun tao-rai how much money
mee (to) have
khun mee ngeun tao-rai krap how much money do you have?
pom mee neung pan sahm roy baht krap I have 1300 baht
pom mee see pan baht krap I have 4000 baht
neung pan neung roy 1100
don see tuum reu krap at 10pm?
sip 10
khun mee sip-sorng baht mai krap do you have 12 baht?
pom mee sip baht krap I have 10 baht
sip-see 14
pom mee sip-see baht krap I have 14 baht
dol-lahr dollar
gee dol-lahr krap how many dollars?
khun mee ngeun gee dol-lahr krap how many dollars have you got? literally - you have money; how many dollars?
khun mee ngeun gee baht krap how many baht have you got?
khun mee jett dol-lahr mai krap do you have 7 dollars?
pom mee sip-sorng dol-lahr krap I have 12 dollars
sip-hah 15
sip-jett 17
gap and
gap jett dol-lahr and 7 dollars
neung pan sip-jett 1017
hah pan sip-hah baht 5015 baht
neung pan neung roy sip-sorng baht 1112 baht
pom dong jai gee dol-lahr krap how many dollars do I have to pay?
khun dong jai sip dol-lahr krap you have to pay 10 dollars
pom yaak seu bee-ar sorng koo-at krap I'd like to buy 2 bottles of beer
14 don sorng tuum reu sahm tuum -dai mai krap at 8pm or 9pm - ok?
meu-arai krap. Don gee mohng krap when? At what time?
gow 9
gow baht 9 baht
sip-gow baht 19 baht
gow roy 900
laew pen ngeun dol-lahr la krap what about in dollars? note - in money dollars
pen in
knee krap here you are asin giving/ handing over
knee krap - sahm pan baht here you are - 3000 baht do not add 'krap' at the end
baat 8
sip-baat 18
dai krap OK in response to 'dai mai'
khun mee ngeun gee dol-lahr krap how many dollars have you got? literally - you have money; how many dollars?
pom mai mee ngeun dol-lahr krap I do not have dollars
pom mee ngeun mahk krap I have a lot of money
pom mee ngeun Thai mahk krap I have a lot of Thai money
pom korr ngeun dol-lahr krap. Dai mai krap may I have some dollars? Ok?
dai krap. Knee krap - sip-sorng dol-lahr Ok - here you are - 12 dollars
khun mee ngeun thai mai krap do you have any Thai money?
pom mee ngeun Thai mahk doo-ay krap I have a lot of Thai money too
khun mee ngeun thai tao-rai krap how much Thai money have you got?
pom korr ngeun thai krap. may I have some Thai money?
pom mee ngeun Thai nit-noi doo-ay krap I also have a little Thai money
15 khun mee laew-wy mai krap do you have wine?
mai ka; dee-chan mai mee laew-wy ka no - I do not have any wine. (f)
baar dee-chan mee bee-ar ka But I do have beer
gaa-ou glass
pom korr bee-ar neung gaa-ou krap may I have a (one) glass of beer.
knee ka - bee-ar neung gaa-ou here you are - a glass of beer.
bee-ar neung koo-at a (one) bottle of beer
pom dong jai pen ngeun dol-lahr tao-rai krap how much do I have to pay in dollars?
rah-kah cost
rah-kah gaa-ou la cost per glass
la per
bee-ar rah-kah gaa-ou la tao-rai krap how much does a glass of beer cost? literally= beer cost glass per how much?
bee-ar rah-kah gaa-ou la sip-sorng baht ka a glass of beer costs 12 baht
laew-wy rah-kah gaa-ou la tao-rai krap how much does a glass of wine cost?
laew-wy rah-kah gaa-ou la sip-hah baht ka a glass of wine costs 15 baht
hai (to) give see lesson 16 -also means 'for'
khun hai dee-chan sip-sahm baht dai mai ka can you give me (f) 13 baht?
khun hai dee-chan dai ka you can give me (f)
khun hai dee-chan sip-sahm baht dai ka you can give me (f) 13 baht
krap - dai krap yes, I can in response to 'dai mai' questions
mai dai krap no, I can't
khun hai ngeun thai dichan dai mai ka can you give me (f) some thai money? me follows the money when asking for an unspecified amount
pom hai khun neung roy sip-hok baht dai krap I can give you 116 baht
don-nee khun gin cow dai mai ka can you eat rice now?
don-nee pom gin cow mai dai krap I cannot eat rice at the moment
khun mee chai-in mai krap Do you have iced tea?
knee ka - chai-in-neung gaa-ou here you are - a glass of iced tea.
dichan hai ngeun thai khun dai ka I can give you some thai money you follows the money when relating to an unspecified amount
baar dichan hai ngeun dol-lahr khun mai dai ka but I cannot give you any dollars
hok gap jett pen tao-rai krap 6 and 7 is how many?
baat roy sip gap sorng pen tao-rai krap 800 and 2 is how many?
16 pen ngeun dol-lahr tao-rai krap how much in dollars?
krap - mee krap Yes I have short answer
sip-et 11
pom mee sip-et dol-lahr krap I have 11 dollars
pom hai ngeun dol-lahr khun dai krap I can give you dollars
pom hai khun mai dai... I cannot give you...
pom hai ngeun thai khun mai dai krap I cannot give you any thai money
don-nee khun mee sip-baat dol-lahr krap now you have 18 dollars
mai mahk not a lot
sip-baat dol-larh mai mahk krap 18 dollars is not a lot
pom mee ngeun mai mahk krap I don't have a lot of money
baar por krap but enough
por enough
yee-sip 20
yee-sip-et 21
sahm-sip 30
sahm-sip-see 34
yee-sip-sahm 23
neung meun baht 10000 baht literally 1 10000
neung meun neung pan 11000 literally 1 10001, 1 1000
neung meun neung pan sip-et baht por krap 11011 baht are enough
khun hai ngeun thai pom dai mai krap can you give me (m) some thai money?
neung meun neung pan yee-sip 11020
neung meun yee-sip baht por krap 10020 baht are enough
mai por krap (that's) not enough
kor ngeun dol-lahr nitnoi krap may I have a few dollars drops the 'pom'
kor sip-hok dol-lahr krap may I have 16 dollars drops the 'pom'
pom hai khun sip-sahm dol-lahr mai dai krap. I can't give you 13 dollars
khun mee ngeun mai krap do you have any money?
kor ngeun krap may I have some money?
17 pom mee ngeun mai por krap I don't have enough money
baar pom hai ngeun dol-lahr khun mai dai krap but I can't give you any dollars
hai pom for me literally 'to give me'
khun mee ngeun (thai) hai pom mai krap do you have any (thai) money for me?
dee-chan mee ngeun hai khun ka I (f) have some money for you
re-ou quick
geun bai too as in quick, expensive etc
re-ou geun bai too quick(ly)
khun poote re-ou geun bai krap you speak too quickly
pom poote mai re-ou krap I don't speak quickly
khun poote re-ou mahk krap you speak very quickly
pom mee hai khun neung meun neung pan baht krap I have 11000 baht for you for you comes before a specific amount of money, the reverse applies when the amount is unspecified
pom mee hai khun sorng meun baht krap I have 20000 baht for you
pom ban-jai-ja hai khun neung meun neung pan baht krap I intend to give you 11000 baht
ban-jai intend literally 'set heart'
ban-jai-ja intend to ban-jai or dan-jai?? F pronounces as 'ban' but m as 'dan'??
pom ban-jai-ja I intend to
sorng meun sahm pan baht 23000 baht
sahm meun neung pan 31000
pom ban-jai-ja hai khun sip-et baht krap I intend to give you 11 baht
pom kor sorng meun baht krap I would like/ please give me 20000 baht
sahm-sip jett 37
laew-wy hok gaa-ou rak-kah tao-rai krap what's the cost of six glasses of wine?
khun dong jai neung meun neung pan baht krap you have to pay 11000 baht
paang expensive
mai paang not expensive
paang geun bai too expensive
sahm-sip jett dol-lahr paang geun bai krap 37 dollars is too expensive is' is understood
mai koi paang not too expensive
paang mahk very expensive
hah-sip 50
hok-sip-et 60
hok-sip 61
see-sip-see 44
see-sip-et 41
see meun 40000
khun mee ngeun por mai krap do you have enough money?
pom mee hai khun see meun neung pan baht krap I have 41000 baht for you
sar-mee husband
sar-mee dee-chan my husband
sar-mee khun your husband
pan-yaak wife
pan-yaak pom my wife
pan-yaak pom you tee-nohn krap my wife is over there
sar-mee dee-chan yaak gin bee-ar ka my husband would like to drink beer
pan-yaak pom yaak gin laew-wy krap my wife would like to drink wine
mee laew-wy mai krap is there any wine?
mee bee-ar mai krap is there any beere
krap - mee krap yes - have it
mai mee krap no -don't have
mai mee bee-ar krap there is no beer
sar-mee dee-chan you tee-nee ka my husband is here
sar-mee khun you tee-nai krap where is your husband?
pan-yaak khun you tee-nai ka where is your wife?
pan-yaak pom you tee-nee krap my wife is here
don-nee sar-mee dee-chan yaak gin a-harn-glahng-wan ka my husband would like to have lunch now
kry you tee-nohn krap who is over there? see lessons 8 - 10
pan-yaak khun ban-jai-ja tamm a-rai ka what does your wife intend to do?
pan-yaak pom ban-jai-ja gin a-harn-glahng-wan krap my wife intends to have lunch
khun yaak gin a-rai ka what do you want to have? (waitress)
pom ban-jai-ja bai.. I intend to go..
pom ban-jai-ja bai gin a-harn-yen krap I intend to go to dinner
gap pan-yaak pom with my wife
gap sar-mee dee-chan with my husband
19 paang gwa krap (it's) more expensive it's' is understood
hah meun neung pan 51000
hah-sip-et 51
hok-sip-et 61
hah meun hah pan 55000
sahm meun hah pan baht krap (it's) 35000 baht
see meun hah pan baht krap (it's) 45000 baht
pom mee ngeun por krap I have enough money
hok meun sahm pan 63000
hai khun krap it's for you
kow he /she
kow (mai) you tee-nohn krap he / she is (not) over there
kow you tee-nai krap where is he / she?
sar-mee khun yaak gin a-rai krap what would your husband like to have? as in drink or food
kow yaak gin a-rai krap what would he / she like to have? as in drink or food
sar-mee dee-chan yaak gin chai-in ka my husband would like iced tea
mee chai-in mai krap is there any iced tea?
khun you tee-nai krap where do you live? literrally- you are located where?
row we
brah-taet country
row you tee brah-taet am-er-ik-ar krap we live in America
kow mai yaak gin bee-ar krap he wouldn't like to have beer
kow mar come in
chern please
chern kow mar please come in please enter come
20 khun mee a-rai krap what are you having? as in answering what to drink questions
khun yaak gin namm mai krap would you like to drink water?
sar-mee dee-chan mee ngeun mahk ka my husband has a lot of money
kow mee hah meun neung pan baht ka he has 51000 baht
sar-mee dee-chan mee hah meun hah pan baht ka my husband has 55000 baht
hok-sip hah 65
see-sip see 44
see meun see pan 44000
hok meun hah pan baht 65000 baht
kow you tee brah-taet am-er-ik-ar krap she is in America
pan-yaak pom you tee brah-taet am-er-ik-ar krap my wife is in America
kow you tee brah-taet am-er-ik-ar reu krap she lives in America, doesn't she?
see meun neung pan 41000
brah-taet thai Thailand country Thai
sar-mee dee-chan you tee brah-taet thai ka my husband is / lives in Thailand
kow you tee brah-taet thai ka he is / lives in Thailand
row you tee brah-taet thai ka we are / live in Thailand
krorp-kroo-a family
krorp-kroo-a pom my family
krorp-kroo-a pom you tee brah-taet thai krap my family lives in Thailand
luu children
luu gee kon krap how many children? children how many people?
khun mee luu gee kon krap how many children do you have?
row mee luu sahm kon ka we have 3 children
krorp-kroo-a khun you tee-nai krap where does your family live?