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Welcome to FSA - posted by guest on 13th February 2021 02:19:18 AM

Welcome to Female Sexy Audio.

This is an exciting thread where enterprising young women perform sexually explicit orations for internet perverts.

These audios are often quite taboo, but can range from safe for work positive reinforcement to intense degradation. 

Now you perverts might ask, "What if I don't find a script for my fetish?" Well that's simple, you can write your own. 

Anyone can write a script about almost anything, but please do put in some effort. Even the best performer can't salvage a script that's riddled with typographical and grammatical errors. If you take the time to put in your best effort she'll be more likely to give it her best too!

Some of you ladies might be asking, "How do I perform a script?" Well first make sure you have a nice quiet place without distracting background noise. Then make sure to proofread the script before you perform it. Don't be afraid to make little edits here and there to help it match your voice and style. After that record your script and post it on vocaroo, soundgasm, or psstaudio. If you decide you want to stick around for a while make sure you pick a screen name that's easy to remember and doesn't reveal any personal information.

Now that you've listened to our introduction you are ready to use the thread. See you there!

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