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Untitled - posted by guest on 12th March 2020 09:08:31 AM

BlackLion111: >.>

xCloveyx: hey hey

BlackLion111: yo

xCloveyx: how's you?

BlackLion111: got a wisdom tooth pulled today

xCloveyx: mmm.

BlackLion111: -gives Clovey a hug-

NoraNympho: tom hanks has that virus, just saw

xCloveyx: i cringe at the pain you're going through.

xCloveyx: oh no.  not tom.

BlackLion111: its less intense than I thought, but Ill survive

BlackLion111: and NOOOOO, WILSON!

BlackLion111: -.-

xCloveyx: i have a shrink named spalding...

BlackLion111: haw haw

xCloveyx: someone sent me a game... i wasn't expecting that...

BlackLion111: a game?

xCloveyx: yeah.

xCloveyx: street figheter 5 for the ps4... and i don't even own a ps4

xCloveyx: oh well.  time to get a ps4 now.

BlackLion111: streetfighter series is shit nowadays

xCloveyx: is it?

BlackLion111: it is

xCloveyx: you play any games?

BlackLion111: I own the fifth game

BlackLion111: and the fourth

BlackLion111: and the third

BlackLion111: -lays on the couch and tries to sufficate em self with a pillow-

xCloveyx: oh...  i only know sf2.  i am not much of a gamer, still wondering why this game was sent to me

xCloveyx: "it's a puzzlement..." as the king would say to anna.

BlackLion111: -shrugs-

BlackLion111: cant argue with free

xCloveyx: it's slightly used, but seems like it's still in a very good condition.

NoraNympho: was just gonna say take it back to a store but nvm

xCloveyx: oh it was sent to me....  by my ex gf's nephew.

BlackLion111: ugh someone deck me in the jaw -_-

xCloveyx: got into a fight?

BlackLion111: this ibuprofin aint doin shit

xCloveyx: have you tried cold compress?

BlackLion111: got nothin to compress with

xCloveyx: a bag of ice works.

xCloveyx: in a ziplock bag

BlackLion111: isnt it just faster if you punch me -.-

xCloveyx: won't that exacerbate the problem?

BlackLion111: not if you knock me out

xCloveyx: dude... with my strength, i can only give you a slight contusion.  lol  i am a tiny little woman.

BlackLion111: not with that attitude

BlackLion111: now show me whatcha got

xCloveyx: no hon.  not attitude... facts.

xCloveyx: rofl

BlackLion111: >.> you need some motivation?

NoraNympho: then dont use a fist there is other ways lol

xCloveyx: nah.  ill leave the fighting to my brother.

BlackLion111: >.>

xCloveyx: <.<

BlackLion111: -reaches up and gropes her-

xCloveyx: okay.

BlackLion111: ....damn, didnt work

xCloveyx: ill just call the police.  xD

xCloveyx: hey, i have been raped before. i'll try to run away but what good will i do when i try to fight back?  if i get lucky, maybe i can kick the man's balls...  but that didn't seem to work,.

BlackLion111: im not trying to rape you though -_-

xCloveyx: i am 5'1"  124 lbs...  can barely bench a olympic bar....  just the bar.

BlackLion111: do I look like a fuckin rapist?

xCloveyx: well, groping without consent, isn't that rape?

BlackLion111: if your best dude friend groped you, would you consider that rape?

xCloveyx: but, we aren't best friends...  and yes. that is DEFINITE-FUCKING ly a rape.

BlackLion111: -.- if my best female friend grabbed my ass, im sure I wouldnt call the cops on e,

BlackLion111: -em

BlackLion111: and it doesnt have to be my best friend either

xCloveyx: for me it is...  i don't give a fuck who it is, whether it is a man or a woman.  if they touch me in the ass or anywhere i feel uncomfortable with, i will call it for what it is.

BlackLion111: well...boot me if ya like

xCloveyx: hmmm.

NoraNympho: shit i dont even grope her and we been friends for years

xCloveyx: you men...  trying to look all tough and macho...

BlackLion111: its not about me being macho

BlackLion111: and do not classify my gender pls

BlackLion111: thats rude

xCloveyx: i don't know.  kinda sounds like you wanted to prove something.

xCloveyx: oh so groping me wasn't rude?

BlackLion111: what you think im tryna prove then?

BlackLion111: well then we're 1-1

BlackLion111: but from what ive heard, women sexually exploit men as well

xCloveyx: right.  i think groping is a far severe offense.   but ill let that one slide.

BlackLion111: so me just being a guy is dumb

xCloveyx: okay.  says the groper.

xCloveyx: hey yami.

yamitenshi75: hey

NoraNympho: hey

xCloveyx: how's you?

BlackLion111: -rolls eyes-

yamitenshi75: im ok and you

xCloveyx: listen, dude.  if you have issues being here, you can leave.

BlackLion111: you said I had issues?

yamitenshi75: who doesnt

xCloveyx: never said you had issues..  if you have problems BEING here.

BlackLion111: just saying the me being a stereotypical macho dude isnt m

BlackLion111: me

yamitenshi75: so what is you

NoraNympho: hes making it hard for me not to wanna boot him even lol

xCloveyx: alright.... i was here, just chillin with my girl nora, and all of a sudden, you come in, start groping for no GODDAMN fucking reason, start causing a ruckus.  okay i will call it.  you have issues.

BlackLion111: and the yelling doesnt help cement your point ya know -.-

BlackLion111: or swearing

xCloveyx: yami, that man just raped me. xD

yamitenshi75: what

xCloveyx: he groped me.

xCloveyx: nora is a witness.

yamitenshi75: and why not block him right then and there

NoraNympho: then had a problem being called otut being like most guys or whatever lol

xCloveyx: no i just wanted to tell him off.

yamitenshi75: i see

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