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8away Brief - posted by guest on 16th December 2020 07:41:02 PM

8Away Hub

This should be treated as a quick archive of my ideas in relation to 8aways until I can submit them elsewhere. 

Clearly, there have been changes made. Mostly in relation to a Propaganda Compartment. 

This compartment will be in charge of:

a Taafyist NewsRoom, similar to what JJJ had

Our very own Intel Operation, to contrast the LOF intel gathering

 Content Creation and Controlling Taafyist Narratives

Pxls Wiki Moderation, to put a higher emphasis on Taafyism

Main Force (Commanded by GreenCatKid)

Securing Alliances within 8aways

Defending allied art

Forming and execution of raids

Special Forces (led by DanTheMan)

Keeping a leash on potential threats to 8away reputation

Framing our enemies and arranging minor conflicts into our favor

Thwarting conversations that don’t comply with our narrative

Outside Pxls Relations (Led by Bencil Sharpinero)

Managing the 8away+ site

Recruitment of people outside pxls into 8aways

Various other projects outside of Discord and Pxls

Propaganda and Intel (Led by Mp4)

Submitting daily to weekly content to the NewsRoom

Creating Intel Operations

Content Creation and Controlling Taafyist Narratives

Pxls Wiki Control

All Department tasks will follow within these guidelines, otherwise it’s an abuse of power. All departments will be compartmentalized, with their respective discord servers or group chats. However, these compartments will each be in charge of handling tasks given by the Supreme Team. The Supreme Team will set growth goals and other goals, and if these aren’t met, severe action will be taken. Collaboration between the departments should happen, but not to the extent where major operations are co-opt. It should also be known that “not all departments are equal” and that we might lose on some fronts, but gain on others.  

Also know we have some “trap cards” in our deck, such as Anarcho Pixelism and 4chan invasion. We can pull these off if we start to lose on all fronts, but we shouldn’t use these unless it’s a code mega red. Using one of these trap cards will likely destroy any sense of control or order we have, on top of our reputation taking a blow. Using all of them at once would probably lead to another 2ch-type mass ban event. 




























 Operation Fake News (Primary Goal of Propaganda Department, replaces Operation UF):

Goals: Infiltrate and control the pxls narrative to (sub-tier) factions, Gain access to hidden information, and act as a neutral force for the PxlsNewsRoom (PNR)

Steps needed: Create a bot program that is able to mass send out messages across every server it is in, in it’s relative channel. Create and produce daily to weekly news updates across a broad spectrum of media, (IE Text posts, images, videos). 

Requests: A PxlsNewsRoom discord server be created, and an admin channel on there that if you post something in that channel, the bot “copies” it and sends it out to servers. That way anyone with the right permissions can “create” news, instead of it being person specific. Also, we need enough “propaganda” to make the server and the PxlsNewsRoom to look legit. 

Operation Fish Bait (Primary Goal of SpecialForces)

Goals: Mass recruit new players with an “edgy” or “dark” or “controversial” type. This is to build up the Special forces for future operations.

Steps needed: Create a discord server, frame it as an individual faction and upload it to the pxls faction server list. Recruit previous Taafyist OGs, then recruit new members from there. Make sure to only target people not desirable for Eightaways. Be nice, and you will receive narratives from Taafy shortly. 

Requests: Maybe act a bit worried and concerned about Taafy, the narratives I want to construct are all in early building phases, so this might change. 

Operation Underworld (Primary Goal of Outside Relations)

Goals: Establish outside relations and projects, and also set up a recruitment server.

Steps needed: Create a discord server, establish list of potential projects, and invite a server advertisement bot, and update and complete potential projects. 

Requests: Taafy is available for writing a book series, if you wish to do such a thing. 

Main forces will be the main pxls force we have, and will not have an overarching goal. The leaking of any “trade secrets” we have will be punished greatly, with a permanent ban from the Taafyist movement and any related projects. We’re not screwing around this time. 

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