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Untitled - posted by guest on 1st March 2020 09:18:46 AM
<div class="heartlesstop"><span><i class="fas fa-umbrella"></i></span> alias</div>
<div class="heartlessgeneral">
[b]TYPES OF PLOTS[/b] feel free to copy from your directory post <p>
[b]MATURE THREADS[/b] we know, we know. you've answered this. <p>
[b]POST LENGTH[/b] rf, long posts, etc, etc. <p>
[b]TYPES OF EVENTS[/b] what do you want to see? storms? city-wide things? <p>
[b]FAVORITE CHARACTER OF YOURS[/b] which of your characters do you adore the most? <p>
[b]TYPES OF CHALLENGES[/b] what kinds of stuff do you wanna see? outfit challenges, word count challenges, etc? <p>
[b]FAMILY OR FRIENDSHIP PLOTS?[/b] pick one! <p>
[b]FLUFFY OR ANGSTY?[/b] pick one!<p>
[b]DEV POSTS OR SHIP POSTS?[/b] pick one!<p>
[b]COMMS OR SOCIAL MEDIA?[/b] pick one <p>