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Untitled - posted by guest on 7th June 2020 08:01:11 AM
Science Of Art Of Living
Technology for Self Transformation
SOAOL Guru: God
SOAOL Founder: SOAOL Suresh
SOAOL Motto: Love with Awareness, Serve with Awareness
Why Coronavirus crisis?
It is God's Wakeup call to people of planet earth to be more Joyful in life.
How to get a correct understanding of life?
By being in higher awareness.
What is awareness?
Awareness is both Intuition and Intellect. Intuition is God-given thought. Intellect is human given thought.
How to get higher awareness?
By Right Knowledge, Right Technique, Right Action, and Right Love.
What is Right Knowledge?
By being constantly aware of emotions like Greed, Fear, and Lust. Before we make a decision we should be fearful of God the Master which enforces the law of Karma.
What is the Right Technique?
Sahaj(Natural) Meditation steps.
1. Sit cross-legged or in a chair with an erect spine.
2. Interlock left-hand fingers first with right-hand fingers.
3. Close your eyes. Mentally say I give Priority to Intuition over Intellect.
4. Let any thoughts come. Just Observe your thoughts.
5. By practice, you know which thoughts are Intuition, which thoughts are Intellect.
6. Act on Intuitive thoughts.
7. In the absence of Intuitive thoughts act on Intellect thoughts.
8. Do this meditation technique for 20 minutes in the morning and evening.
Why Intuition goes wrong?
Intuition, God-given thought is neither Right or Wrong. If your Intuition goes wrong it is your incorrect understanding of life. You can correct your understanding of life by Right Knowledge and learning from your bad experience.
What is Right Action?
Helping others is Right Action. First start helping your relatives and friends and then help others by supporting charitable organizations.
What is Right Love?
Right Love is Shared higher awareness. Only when two persons in the relationship are in higher awareness then it is Right Love else it is Attachment. Right Love Romantic Sex between Husband and Wife is the best Highlight of life. This relationship is Dearest to God. The romance between lovers means being sensitive to each other's feelings.
What is Sex?
Sexual Energies rise because of both Intellect and Intuition. Intellect is External Beauty. Intuition is Romantic Love. Sexual Pleasure is Maximum when there is Romantic Love. You also feel Satisfied with Life. When Sex is approached with Intellect then Perversions happen. When Sex is approached with Intuition then Awareness Growth and Joy happens in Life.
Why is Porn Dangerous?
Porn images are stored in your brain for a long time and these images interfere with your sex energies when you have real-life Sex with your Wife. So you always feel dissatisfied with Sex. The solution is SOAOL.
What is the purpose of life?
To grow in awareness and feel the Joy. At higher awareness, you experience greater Joy in life.
Why call this SOAOL?
Like Science, Right Knowledge, and Right Technique can be taught to all users. Like Art, awareness growth depends on the sincerity of the individual user. SOAOL has come out of the personal life experiences of SOAOL Suresh. SOAOL is the contemporary way of leading life.
What is God?
Universe is God. God is all Space, all Energy, Love at highest Awareness. God is the Master, we are its Slaves.