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Ark 1st Anniversary Event Info - posted by guest on 30th December 2020 06:19:05 PM



New Episode 07: The Birth of Tragedy

Release Date :- December 30, 2020, 10:00 (UTC-7)

Unlock Requirement :- Clear Main Storyline Stage 6-18

Total Playable Stages :- 16 Main Maps + 2 Additional Maps = 18 Stages

Total Story Stages :- 4 Story Stages

Stage Breakdown: 

• 7-(1-20) : Main stages, each will have Challenge Mode available.

• 7-(1, 7, 19, 20) : Story Stages. Free Originite Prime for each stage. 

• S7-(1-2) : Additional stages. They will not have a Challenge Mode.

• TR-17 : Training stage to teach you about certain mechanics


Anniversary Registration - Event Commemoration Exclusive Headhunting Permit

Registration Duration :- December 30, 2020, 10:00 (UTC-7) to January 13, 2021, 3:59 (UTC-7)

Details :- 

• During the event, Doctors can obtain 1 Awakening Commemoration Permit as a log-in award. 

• This Permit grants 1 Free 10x-Roll on the Exclusive Headhunting Banner: Cremation Last Wish. 

• This Permit can only be obtained once.

• This Permit can only be used in the Exclusive Headhunting Banner: Cremation Last Wish

Permit Expiration Date :- January 13, 2020, 3:59 (UTC-7)

Please note that this permit will expire after the given time-period.


Free Exclusive Headhunting Everday

Duration :- December 30, 2020, 10:00 (UTC-7) to January 13, 2020, 3:59 (UTC-7)

Details :- 

✦︎ In addition to the Awakening Commemoration Permit, all Doctors will receive 1 Free Roll for the Cremation Last Wish Banner everyday until the given time-period.

✦︎ The free roll will be refreshed at 04:00 (UTC-7) [Server Reset] everyday.

✦︎ Please note that all unused free rolls will also be refreshed and new rolls cannot be accumulated. Therefore, please use your free roll as soon as you can.


Exclusive Headhunting Banner: Cremation Last Wish

Rate-up on the following operators

★︎★︎★︎★︎★︎★︎ → W - Sniper (AoE Sniper)

★︎★︎★︎★︎★︎★︎ → Weedy - Specialist (Push)

★︎★︎★︎★︎★︎ → Elysium - Vanguard (DP-Generation)


Additional Operator :-

★︎ → Thermal - Ex [THERM-EX] - Robot (Nuker)


Operator W is LIMITED and can ONLY be obtained from the Cremation Last Wish Banner. She WON'T be added to the Headhunting Pool will NOT appear in other Standard Headhunting Banners

Operator Thermal-Ex WON'T be available in the Cremation Last Wish Banner or in any other Standard Headhunting Banners but it can be obtained from Recruitment, Anniversary Sign-In Event & Chapter 7 - Stage 7-2

Anniversary Sign-In Event: Free Originite Prime & Amiya Outfit

Duration :- January 2, 2021, 04:00 (UTC-7) to January 30, 03:59 (UTC-7)

Details :- 

→ During the Anniversary Event, Doctors can sign-in for 14 Days to earn rewards.

→ Doctors can earn all the rewards even without signing in consecutively.

→ Receive Amiya's Outfit: Test Collection - Fresh Fastener on Day 14

Total Rewards :-

• 1 Originite Prime each day = 14 Originite Prime total & 1 Emergency Sanity Potion = 14 Potions in total.

• 40000 LMD

• 20 T4-Strategic Battle Records

• 2 T4-Optimised Devices 

• 2 Chip Catalysts

• 400 Furniture Parts (200 - Day 6 & 200 - Day 13)

• 1 Commemorative Anniversary Wall Lamp

• 10 T2-Skill Summary Books

• 1 Commemorative Anniversary Carpet

• 3 White Horse Kohl

• 1 Commemorative Anniversary Bed

• 5 Orirock Concentration

The Emergency Sanity Potions will expire on February 5, 2021, 03:59 (UTC-7) 


Operator Savage (Guard) - Limited Time Free to Claim 

→ Receive 1 Operator Savage (★︎★︎★︎★︎★︎ - Guard) for free via in-game Mail.

→ Doctors who already own Savage will receive additional token to improve her Potential.

Sending Time :- December 30, 2020, 10:00 (UTC-7)

Duration :- December 30, 2020, 10:00 (UTC-7) to January 29, 2021 (UTC-7)

Requirement :- All Doctors who have logged in & created their account before December 30, 2020, 07:00 (UTC-7) - including guest accounts.


Supplies & Chip Stages - Everyday Access

• All Supply Stages & Chip Stages will be open for the entirety of the Anniversary Event Time-Period.


Event Limited Skins: Bloodline of Combat Series

✦︎ Saria (Stronghold) - Purchase in costume store for 18 OP

✦︎ Angelina (Visitor of Factor) - Purchase in costume store for 18 OP

✦︎ Lappland (Refined Horrormare) - Purchase in costume store for 18 OP

✦︎ Executor (Titleless Code) - Purchase in costume store for 18 OP

✦︎ Greythroat (Homecoming) - Purchase in costume store for 15 OP

✦︎ Midnight (Seventh Night, The Awakened) - Purchase in costume store for 15 OP


Event Limited Furniture: Sarkaz Mercenary Lounge

→ Provides 5,000 ambience

→ Costs 6,995 Furniture Parts or 36 Originite Prime

Please refer to the /limitedfurniture command in #bot-spam for more information


Recruitment Update: New Operators~

Following Operators will be added to the Recruitment Pool permanently :-

★︎★︎★︎★︎★︎★︎ → Chen | Skadi

★︎★︎★︎★︎★︎ → Swire | Nightmare

★︎★︎★︎★︎ → Greyy | Beehunter

★︎★︎★︎ → Spot | Popukar | Catapult | Midnight



• Recruitment Update on 30th December, 2020, 10:00 (UTC-7)

• When Recruitment Operators update, the Recruitment Tags will be forced to refresh. More updates soon.


Originium - First Time Purchase Reset

→ All Originium Packs will be reset on December 30, 2020, 10:00 (UTC-7)

→ First Purchase Bonus will be reset and Doctors will be able to get double Originium again for their first-time pruchase.


Bonus Package 1: Rhodes Island Anniversary Pack

• Bonus Anniversary Package #1 for $49.99

• Duration :- December 30, 2020, 10:00 (UTC-7) to January 20, 2021, 3:59 (UTC-7)


Contents :- 

✦︎ 90 Originite Prime

✦︎ 1 - 10x Headhunting Permit

✦︎ 200,000 LMD

✦︎ 20 T4-Strategic Battle Records

✦︎ 50 T3-Tactical Battle Records

✦︎ 100 T2-Frontline Battle Records

✦︎ 30 T3-Skill Books / Summaries

✦︎ 50 T2-Skill Books / Summaries

✦︎ 4 Chip Catalysts

✦︎ 500 Furniture Parts

Package Summary :-

→ 200,000 LMD worth approximately 800 Sanity

→ All Battle Records + Skill Summaries + Furniture Parts worth approximately 1081.39 Sanity

→ 4 Chip Catalysts worth approximately 514.29 Sanity

       ∴ Total approx. = 2395.68 Sanity = 17.75 Originite Prime with max Sanity cap (135) / 18.43 Originite Prime with 130 Sanity cap

→ 2395.68 Sanity = Approx. $6.65 if valued at 17.75 Originite Prime with max Sanity cap

→ 90 Originite Prime = $33.71 at the minimum if all Originite Prime Packages still have First Purchase - Double Bonus

→ 10x Headhunting Ticket valued at $10 at the minimum

         ∴ Total = Approx. $50.36 if everything in the shop is untouched and if Player has max Sanity cap of 135.

             Package worth even more if the player has already purchased everything in the shop prior to the release of this package.

Please note that the calculations provide a general approximation. Sanity value include both: stage-farming & base productions


Bonus Package 2: Doctor's Choice Pack

• Bonus Anniversary Package #2 for $29.99

• Duration :- December 30, 2020, 10:00 (UTC-7) to January 20, 2021, 3:59 (UTC-7)


Contents :- 

✦︎ 1 Top Operator (6★︎) Transfer Permit

✦︎ 1 - 10x Headhunting Permit

• The Top Operator Transfer Permit would include the following operators :-

[Chen, Blaze, SilverAsh, Exusiai, Siege, Ifrit, Saria, Hoshiguma, Shining Nightingale, Eyjafyalla, Hellagur, Schwarz, Mostima, Magallan, Skadi, Angelina]

• The Permit WON'T include the following operators :- 

[Does not include Nian, Aak, Ceobe, Bagpipe, Phantom, W, Weedy**]*

Package Summary :-

→ 10x Headhunting Permit = $10 Minimum Approx.

→ $20 for a Transfer Permit to select any 6★︎ Operator (from the given list) of your choice

       ∴ If the $20 Starter Headhunting Pack exists, Trade Off = 20 rolls, (or less if Starter Headhunting Package is already purchased)

→ Assuming player's trade off = $20 rolls; chances of NOT getting a 6★︎ Operator in those 20 pulls = 66.76%

→ In those 20 pulls; assuming you pulled 2 - 5★︎ Operators, 10 - 4★︎ Operators & 8 - 3★︎ Operators, and all are duplicates, then :- 

 == All 5★︎ Non-Max Potential dupes + 3★︎ & 4★︎ Max Potential duplicates = 380 Green Certificates + 20 Gold Certificates (36 Gold Certificates if both 5★︎ are Max Potential duplicates)

→ Alternatively, you can spend $20 for 52 Orignite Prime if all First Purchase Double Bonus Packages are still unused.

        ∴ 1. The Pack is not worth if you own all the available 6★︎ Operators in the Transfer Permit (Including/Excluding Max Potentials)

            2. The Pack is not worth if the only new units you are missing from the Transfer Permit are all recruit-able units.

            3. The Pack is worth if you are missing and want to get either :- Mostima, Blaze, Schwarz, Hellagur, Angelina or Eyjafyalla

It is not recommended to get duplicates with the Transfer Permit since it is not worth the value as you effectively only get 10 Gold Certificates

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