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Date Night - posted by guest on 1st April 2021 11:38:49 PM

This is by far the best date we've had! That movie was so funny that I was giggling all through dinner. Even now when I think of it (giggles). And the dinner! The beef wellington was amazing. I normally never have dessert, but I had to tonight. The pie was to die for.

And of course thanks for driving me home. I'm super tired, but we'll talk again soon.

Oh, don't feel too glum. I'll see you again really soon. Plus, you know I'm not that kind of girl.

Well I guess I could let you in for some water. I told you that you should have had some at the restaurant, silly.

[door noise]

Come on in sweetie. I'll get you that water.

Here you go!


Well goodnight...hey why are you looking at me like that? Hey what are you doing?

[throw clothes on floor]

Hey! Stop that! Why are you ripping off my clothes?



Owie...oh my God!

This hurts so much, please stop. I can't believe you're doing this to me.

Ow! Ow! Ow!

I know you won't stop, but please don't finish in me. I'm not on birth control.

Thank you for stopping, I was terrified that wouldn't-

Owww!...that hurts even more.

My butt hurts a lot now. Please finish and stop hurting me.

Ar-are you done now?


[door closes]

[Wincing in pain, breathe through teeth]

I hurt way too much to stand up right now.


I guess I'll have to crawl to bed.

[drag an item on the floor for a crawling noise]

Now climb on up the bed post, and almost there.

[wince again]

This was such a good night and then...he raped and sodomized me.


If that wasn't bad enough I still love him dearly.


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