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Untitled - posted by guest on 19th April 2020 11:42:33 AM


NOVÉ - mapa k pokladu lvl 1 na Slunecnim ostrove

ada chain nohy +1 obratnost +1 blokace kouzla

eben luk +20 zvirata +6 sani staminy (TheDarkOne 150k)

valo chain nohy +1 anatomy

valo leather (chain) lokty +4 healing +2 anatomy (Keynlander 400k)

valo leather (chain) rukavice +4 rege staminy (Cinnort 50k)

verite ring rukavice +3 inta +1 resist

iron bone rukavice +5 rege many (Cinnort 50k)

nahrdelnik +5 provo

naramek +14 nemrtvi (mikke 400k)


náhrdelník a klobouk/satek +5 peace

robu/saty, serpu, prsten, bracl a nausky +5 hiding

robu/saty, serpu, plast, bracl a nausky +5 macefighting

copper a iron itemy +5 healing (krom bone)

verite+ plate itemy +2 a vic healing


Discord: Shtefix#6611

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