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Untitled - posted by guest on 1st November 2020 09:27:22 PM
History of the Tollaire's
Smaug Tollaire. He is the reason the Tollaire ever set foot into Valoria. He came to Valoria a very long time ago, before the Volcano erupted and made everyone flee the Valley. Before they returned. Smaug Tollaire had four wives altogether; Vedette - a swamp lioness who had been raised by a crocodile. Lisbet - the mother wolf. Ashleigh - the Phoenix and Drakon's mother; Nefertari who was a priestess of the Nile. He ruled Rsorvic for some time as well as a Band. Smaug's goal when he originally came to Valoria was to dominant it all and make the Tollaire known, feared and respected.
Here are some basic things for Smaug Tollaire's lineage (these traits include Drakon's):
brooding, dark, ploting, conniving, willing to give u small battles to win the war type, loyal to family (including extended family), like to assert their dominance and power, doesn't show affection much (unless it's in private times), won't coddle their children more stern with them; Drakon's traits - can tolerate peace at times, distant, stoic, silent type, brutally honest at times
common colors typically fall under the darker scale of coats such as dark brown, blacks, dark grey, dark reds, granted white coats can happen as Drakon has a white pelt and Smaug had a brother who was a dark white/pale white brother. Uncommon colors were plain like gold/bronze or lighter colors on the scale such as cream. Rare colors are mauve, steel grey, rose and albino.
Most markings are generally darker than the coat itself; i.e. dark undersides, dark socks and in Drakon's case he adds the Egyptian marking on his hip and the dark eyeliner. The Tollaire were not flashy creatures. Though they did have the "chevron's" in their manes. It was not uncommon for females to have manes as well.
As far as eyes go anything that reminds you of fire goes. Though it was common for them to have partial heterochromia; i.e. orange and red combo.
It was very common for their natures to be of the Chaotic range where evil was the most common one and the neutral being next, it was rare for a Tollaire to be Chaotic good.
List of current families & roles
Current residence: Ekacia Coast
Patriarch: Drakon Tollaire
Healer: Ivette Vadimus Tollaire
Wives of the Patriarch: Hecuba Tollaire
Children: Kira Tollaire , Narsil Tollaire , Rameses Tollaire, Hydra Tollaire, Cassandra Tollaire
Other Lions/ess: Geralt Tollaire, Arsynia Tollaire, Astucia Tollaire
Rules of the Tollaire family
Loyal to family; anyone within the family that is disloyal is punished by death - no exceptions.
Extended family (cousins, in-laws, etc) may be maimed for disloyalty; Smaug did this once in old old Val but don't remember who)
No gender is any greater than the other.
Respect is earned not given.
All males (if not most) are Polygamous.
Arranged marriages do happen but Drakon (like Smaug) won't care if his children or anyone is polygamous as long as the arranged marriage works out. However, Drakon or whoever is Patriarch at the time, should be picky about these.
Rape is not tolerated and punishable by victims choice.
New rules can, and will be added, throughout each Patriarch's life.