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Sasa - posted by guest on 17th February 2021 03:00:09 AM
Zenkcraft Spellcrafting Tool - Phoenix Server
Last Template Save: 06:58 PM Feb 16, 2021
Version: 6.98
Report for Purity - Sorcerer
Note: All items are included. Stats shown below reflect only currently equipped items.
0 Strength
75 Constitution
81 Dexterity
1 Quickness
77 Intelligence
0 Piety
0 Charisma
0 Empathy
204 Hit Points
26 Power
Resists (Racials not included)
27% Crush
25% Slash
27% Thrust
25% Heat
26% Cold
26% Matter
30% Body
27% Energy
28% Spirit
11 Matter Magic
11 Mind Magic
11 Body Magic
Level: 51 (99% Quality)
Utility: 57
Source Type: Spellcraft
Imbue Points: 35 of 33.5
1. (Resist) Energy: +5% [(Flawed) Light Shielding Jewel]
2. (Power) Power: +7 [(Imperfect) Mystical Essence Jewel]
3. (Skill) Matter Magic: +3 [(Rough) Dusty Evocation Sigil]
4. (Skill) Mind Magic: +5 [(Imperfect) Watery Evocation Sigil]
Level: 51 (99% Quality)
Utility: 57
Source Type: Spellcraft
Imbue Points: 34 of 33.5
1. (Skill) Matter Magic: +3 [(Rough) Dusty Evocation Sigil]
2. (Resist) Cold: +9% [(Polished) Icy Shielding Jewel]
3. (Skill) Body Magic: +3 [(Rough) Heated Evocation Sigil]
4. (Power) Power: +9 [(Polished) Mystical Essence Jewel]
Name: Sable Warlock's Robe
Level: 51 (100% Quality)
Utility: 60
Source Type: Merchant
1. (Stat) Dexterity: +21
2. (Stat) Intelligence: +21
3. (Resist) Body: +8%
4. (Resist) Matter: +8%
Level: 51 (99% Quality)
Utility: 56.33
Source Type: Spellcraft
Imbue Points: 32.5 of 33.5
1. (Stat) Constitution: +19 [(Faceted) Earthen Essence Jewel]
2. (Stat) Intelligence: +22 [(Precious) Dusty Essence Jewel]
3. (Resist) Thrust: +7% [(Imperfect) Airy Shielding Jewel]
4. (Skill) Body Magic: +3 [(Rough) Heated Evocation Sigil]
Level: 51 (99% Quality)
Utility: 60
Source Type: Spellcraft
Imbue Points: 33.5 of 33.5
1. (Resist) Energy: +7% [(Imperfect) Light Shielding Jewel]
2. (Skill) Body Magic: +3 [(Rough) Heated Evocation Sigil]
3. (H.P.) Hit Points: +52 [(Faceted) Blood Essence Jewel]
4. (Resist) Thrust: +9% [(Polished) Airy Shielding Jewel]
Level: 51 (99% Quality)
Utility: 67
Source Type: Spellcraft
Imbue Points: 34.5 of 33.5
1. (Resist) Cold: +9% [(Polished) Icy Shielding Jewel]
2. (Resist) Thrust: +7% [(Imperfect) Airy Shielding Jewel]
3. (Skill) Mind Magic: +4 [(Flawed) Watery Evocation Sigil]
4. (Skill) Matter Magic: +3 [(Rough) Dusty Evocation Sigil]
Right Hand
Level: 51 (99% Quality)
Utility: 0
Source Type: Spellcraft
Imbue Points: 0 of 33.5
Left Hand
Level: 51 (99% Quality)
Utility: 0
Source Type: Spellcraft
Imbue Points: 0 of 33.5
Two Handed
Name: Arcane Duskwood Exceptional Magus Staff
Level: 51 (99% Quality)
Utility: 41
Source Type: Merchant
1. (Stat) Dexterity: +11
2. (Stat) Constitution: +10
3. (Power) Power: +5
4. (H.P.) Hit Points: +24
5. (Resist) Slash: +4%
6. (Resist) Thrust: +4%
7. (Focus) All Focuses: +50
Level: 51 (99% Quality)
Utility: 0
Source Type: Spellcraft
Imbue Points: 0 of 33.5
Name: Edgebender Supreme Necklace
Level: 51 (99% Quality)
Utility: 66.66
Source Type: Merchant
1. (Stat) Dexterity: +16
2. (H.P.) Hit Points: +16
3. (Resist) Heat: +5%
4. (Resist) Matter: +6%
5. (Resist) Slash: +8%
6. (Resist) Spirit: +7%
Name: Bodybender Supreme Cloak
Level: 51 (99% Quality)
Utility: 52
Source Type: Merchant
1. (Stat) Constitution: +7
2. (Stat) Quickness: +1
3. (H.P.) Hit Points: +36
4. (Resist) Body: +6%
5. (Resist) Crush: +6%
6. (Stat) Acuity: +13
7. (Skill) All Magic Skills: +1
Name: Spiritbender Exceptional Gem
Level: 51 (99% Quality)
Utility: 45.66
Source Type: Merchant
1. (Resist) Heat: +8%
2. (Resist) Spirit: +9%
3. (Stat) Acuity: +10
4. (Skill) All Magic Skills: +1
Name: Crushbender Supreme Belt
Level: 51 (99% Quality)
Utility: 56
Source Type: Merchant
1. (Resist) Body: +8%
2. (Resist) Crush: +9%
3. (Resist) Heat: +5%
4. (Resist) Matter: +6%
L. Ring
Name: Energybender Supreme Ring
Level: 51 (99% Quality)
Utility: 55
Source Type: Merchant
1. (Power) Power: +5
2. (Resist) Energy: +8%
3. (Resist) Matter: +6%
4. (Resist) Slash: +7%
5. (Resist) Spirit: +4%
R. Ring
Name: Crushbender Supreme Ring
Level: 51 (99% Quality)
Utility: 66.66
Source Type: Merchant
1. (Stat) Dexterity: +17
2. (Resist) Body: +8%
3. (Resist) Cold: +7%
4. (Resist) Crush: +8%
5. (Resist) Spirit: +1%
6. (Stat) Acuity: +11
L. Wrist
Name: Tasty Chunk of Legion
Level: 51 (99% Quality)
Utility: 61.66
Source Type: Merchant
1. (Stat) Constitution: +22
2. (H.P.) Hit Points: +76
3. (Resist) Energy: +7%
4. (Resist) Spirit: +7%
R. Wrist
Name: Heatbender Supreme Bracer
Level: 51 (99% Quality)
Utility: 58
Source Type: Merchant
1. (Stat) Dexterity: +16
2. (Stat) Constitution: +17
3. (Resist) Cold: +1%
4. (Resist) Crush: +4%
5. (Resist) Heat: +7%
6. (Resist) Slash: +6%