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Yaoi Rating System - posted by guest on 20th March 2020 08:24:52 PM
Yaoi rating system:
NR: no romance ; HK: hitori kawaii (just cute, totally innocent); NRH: nothing really happened (darker than HK, but not even kissing); GT: getting there (for early, unfinished works; gearing up for something but haven't gotten there yet); OU ouran (up to kissing, but mostly just waiting for the relationship to actually start); PP (pride and prejudice, kissing and an actual relationship, minimal sex as culmination of romance, or vanilla sex in a OS); JR (junjou romantica: regular sex, or passionate sex in a OS); KY (kai yarkan; mostly sex that the plot happens around); PG (pizza guy; sex IS the plot); SC (shampoo commercial - so this is some kind of shampoo commercial, right? SO THIS IS SOME KIND OF SHAMPOO COMMERCIAL, RIGHT?!); SA: (shonen-ai mislabeled as yaoi - seal the fucking deal, guys!)
tf (total fluff); ou (ouran; fluffy with sitcom "problems"); jr (some angst, mostly about the relationship, but general resolution); mk (miyamoto kano: some angst, realistic levels with realistic consequences); so (soap opera: lots of angst, almost exclusively about the relationship or b/c of unreasonable things); dn (death note ~ pitch; lots of angst, about everything; often a downer ending); ze (ze: intense, emotionally-draining angst but eventual resolution); lbdd (little boy dying on a door; some part of your soul died reading this); ewl (emotional whiplash: this thing is allll over the place); idnttmwyttm (…I do not think that means what you think that means: the mood is off from what's happening, in a disturbing way)
ar: attempted rape; at: awkward thanksgiving (SO used to be with a family member); bd: bondage; be: bestiality; ev: extreme violence; hu: humiliation; in: incest; inaa: i need an adult!; jfw: just felt wrong; na: nii ai (especially twins); nc: noncon (not quite full-on rape, but it was either coerced, drunk/drugged, or they didn't want it, even if they changed their mind after/during); rp: rape; rs: rough sex; sh: shota-con; sm: sadomasochism; ss: suddenly supernatural (a normal enough plot suddenly has something supernatural in it for no good reason, and it's never mentioned again); tcl: tentacles; tna: technical nii ai (step-brothers or like brothers); tp: toy play; tth: trying too hard (felt forcedly over the top, either to be shocking, horrifying, or "erotic"); v: vanilla; wtf: what the FUCK?
( …): implied kink (mentioned/talked about/alluded to, but not shown explicitly)
* = finished series
SECS = serial episodic character stagnation: any and all character growth gets reset to zero in each new chapter