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Free mastercard - posted by guest on 26th May 2020 01:25:29 PM


Lets say you don't have a bank account or credit card. Most members on this

forum is most likely using

Liberty Reserve, WU, AP, and Paypal. You can make over thousands online, but im

pretty sure you

would love the cash in your hands instead. Well before we get started , you

will need a CPALead

account. If you don't have a account then sign up >


Now you may be struggling with signing up, getting approved and making money.

Here are some

tutorials to help you out!

1. http://www.hackforums.net/showthread.php?tid=601531&highlight=cpalead

2. http://www.hackforums.net/showthread.php?tid=660093&highlight=cpalead

Heres the method of getting your own card, I made you sign up on CPAlead for a

reason. Go apply for

a payoneer card on CPAlead. Fill out the boxes, with your address etc. It will

ask for your SSN. Which

you can generate with this website http://www.fakenamegenerator.com/ Its

better to use your real one

because it will get accepted more faster.

In a couple of days, you will get an email saying you've got your own card and

it has been shipped.

You will get it in 7-25 days depending on where you live.

Once you recieve your card, go onto payoneer.com and activate it. You are now

set to go! Just make

money on CPAlead, load it and cash it out at the ATM machine!

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