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Untitled - posted by guest on 30th March 2020 11:45:35 PM

Guild Protocols Regarding Building GB’s you don’t need


So there is some ambiguity about building GB’s and I would

like to clear it up. ✍️

First: We are in favour of affording you all the freedoms in the

         world. Because we want you to grow into a beautiful

         Bonsai. Did you know that a Bonsai tree can live for

         hundreds of years? A bonsai tree is special. It is not

         grown like other trees. Using wires or constraints

         (aka rules) the bonsai tree is specifically trained or

         formed to be more beautiful than if it were permitted

         to grow wild. The tree does not particularly

         desire to grow into a beautiful form. It would likely prefer

         to grow wild. But what makes it valuable is what it grows

Second: In order for each of our members to grow as fast as

              possible and to be most valuable and sought-after, we

              employ rules, protocols, and directions as needed.

              We need to stay flexible in case a rule or protocol has

              an unintended negative effect. Then we change it.

              We tried allowing everybody above level 80 to build any

              GB they wanted at any time. Do you know what

              happened? At first, most were responsible. They built

              what they needed for the campaigns and all was well.

              But later a few started to build irregular stuff. Things

              they didn’t need. Things that were not on campaign.

              And soon there was a flood of random GB’s going up.

Maybe that sounds like fun 🥳 to you. But let me tell you

what’s wrong with it.

- You ask all the guild to give you fps to get it out of the mud.

  So what? We started raising 5-10 a day. That’s what.

  That was ridiculous 🤪

- The fps they give your “off campaign” GB are lost. They

   produce worthless bps to use in some distant future.

- You incite others to jealousy. They want to build something

  random too.

- Is there any benefit to trying to build up 25 GB’s at the same

  time? No there is not. Unfortunately, you are not going to

  get anywhere faster by working “off script”. But you may

  confuse anybody that follows you or respects you.

And if this “random building” had no negative side effects

it might be okay.

But let’s think about this for a moment... 🤔🧐

You are in a campaign where you are being counted upon

to produce bps for 1 of 3 GB’s. Members are in need of those

Bps. They are waiting for you. Instead of you giving to them

like someone gave to you, you are choosing to deprive them

of those bps. For example: How many bps for a CC do you

provide when you build a stargazer and ask everybody to


Answer: 0

When will you be producing needed bps?

When you stop 🛑 focusing on anything other than what ppl

need. If you secretly feed it a little extra. 🤫 Shh nobody will

know. You are hurting ppl. Is that what you want or intend?

Do you want to hurt the ppl that are helping you???

If you do, you are not very nice. If you don’t, then don’t

work on things out of order or that they don’t need bps

for. That’s called being a “team player”.

Well what about what “I” want???

This guild is a team oriented guild. It’s not an individual

oriented guild. If you want to be on your own doing whatever

pops into your mind you’re in the wrong guild. 🤪↔️

We succeed because we work together!!!

That’s why we are better than other guilds. They are full

of selfish players that care more about themselves.

However caring more about yourself doesn’t make you

grow faster. It actually makes you grow slower. As evidence

by how many Arcs we have made Lvl 80 versus other


But that’s only about hurting others. It also hurts you 😢

How so?

a) While you work on others stuff you fall behind the

    pack. The pack is what gives you needed bps. So the

    optimal position is in the middle.

b) When you build GB’s you are not going to take high,

    they take up space. That space could be used for fp

    production like Terrace Farms and such.

    You have now lost fps per day which means you grow

     slower. Do you know what a low level HC gives as

     rewards? Almost nothing. Every once in a blue moon

     something. Do you know what 2 TF’s give per day?

     Guaranteed 10 fps per day or 300 per month.

     Is it smarter to have a small chance of getting 200 fps

     or a guaranteed chance of 300 fps per month?

c) I think I need to work on this military building or that.

    If I had this GB I would be better off. Negative 👎

    If you follow the campaigns after level 80 you will have

    all the bps, and all the GB’s in the correct and most

    strategic order. Just because you have a set of bps and

    maybe even all the goods does NOT mean it’s the right

    time to build it. Build what you can and intend to level now.

    Players that have a lot of GB’s but none are very high are

    a dime a dozen. It’s the most common thing to see. They

    have no choice because they can’t build up. But you have

    a choice. You can build up, and so you should!

    🚀🌤 Growing up is great, growing out is late 🤪.

What is the outcome of any player in A&H? 🏔

We will all have “every” GB that is desirable at a high level.

And we will have it faster than if we worked on our own.

Much faster!!! 🏁🏎💨💨💨

So the conclusion of the matter is this: If you build GB’s just

for the sake of it, with no strategy and not inline with the team

you hurt yourself and everybody else. So DON’T.

If you are close to finishing a campaign and you need to start

building for the next campaign than by all means build it.

Our goal is to see you grow at the fastest pace and in the

most strategic manner. Nothing more. 🤝

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