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The Tragedy of RJ the Simp - posted by guest on 26th September 2020 03:31:54 AM

Have you ever heard of the tragedy of RJ the simp? I thought not. It's not a story the Chads would tell you. It's a simp legend. RJ was a simp so submissive and blinded by beauty that he would fall for any anime girl. He had such a knowledge of the simp life that he could even simp for Anna while also simping for Masked Lucina at the same time. The simp life is a pathway to many abilities that some may consider to be unnatural. He became so simpish that the only thing he was afraid of was Queen finding out his simp tendencies, which eventually of course she did. Unfortunately she was a simp too and saw through his lies. Ironic. He claimed others were simps, but he could not admit he was a simp himself.

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