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Untitled - posted by guest on 4th April 2020 11:03:54 AM

Stronghold Eliminate the Dark Elves. 125 3 

 1. Listen to the dying dwarf and say 'yes'.

 2. Go to Meerek and 'give the full report'.

 3. Clear the required number of dark elf warriors and guards.

 4. Defeat Smaug.

 5. Return to Meerek, say 'yes', 'no' then 'Smaug'.

 6. Kill Tarrenguil for 2 bracers and wrath.

 7. Kill normal Trivianis for leggings of war, buy a triviani vest from the store (run ws) of Tarrenguil, and 2 earrings from triviani guard which are in 

the area past 'enter painting' in tarrenguil's room.

 8. Wear the 7 items, be -2500 align and go to the Trivani captain.

 9. Say 'reports'.

10. Go to the dark elf cleric and say 'lifestone', then 'Smaug is quite effective'.

11. Say 'the word'.

12. Give the lifestone to Meerek, then 'place the lifestone inside the sword'.

13. Wield the sword and kill Smaug.

14. Return to Meerek and give the broken piece to him.

15. Change align to positive and go to the dwarven king.

16. Say 'Meerek sent me'.

17. Go to Andrew and say 'yes', then 'Fahrhad'.

18. Kill 6 Trivani guards and return to Andrew.

19. Go 2n and 'hire a bodyguard'.

20. Give 50k gold to a bodyguard.

21. Go 2s and say 'bodyguard'.

22. Recall out.

23. Kill a dwarven sergeant for a dwarven platinum ring.

24. Return to Andrew and give the ring to the bodyguard.

25. Say 'protect Andrew'.

26. Go to the centaur queen and say 'How can i help'.

27. Kill Mag for the queen's stolen mirror.

28. Give the mirror the the queen.

29. Go to storage cave 2n of Trivani shopkeeper.

30. Unlock the chest using the key from Mag and get the sphere of power.

31. Return to the queen and give her the sphere.

32. Go to the king and 'handshake Fahrhad'.

33. Kill 5 gardeners.

34. Return to the king and say 'yes'.

35. Run ese and kill the king of the dark elves.

36. Return to the dwarven king.

37. Say 'Curse you and curse the dwarves, your efforts are in vain!'

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