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Local Civil Rights Groups and Activists Demand That Minneapolis Police Federation Head, Bob Kroll be Removed - posted by guest on 15th August 2020 06:41:54 AM

Please be advised that on Saturday, August 15th, 2020, a coalition of grassroots human and civil rights 

leaders, advocates, and organizations will be holding a demonstration in Hugo, Minnesota to call for the

removal of Bob Kroll, President of the Minneapolis Police Federation.

Bob Kroll is a danger to the health, safety, and wellbeing of Minneapolis residents because of his own violent

history as a Minneapolis police officer; as well as his repeated public support for killer cops. Bob Kroll has had

at least seven lawsuits filed against him and dozens of complaints for excessive force, including one incident in

which he assaulted a bi-racial teenage boy. It is unacceptable that Bob Kroll is still on the Minneapolis police

force and that he still has a peace officer license, given his history of violence towards civilians and his

violations of departmental policy. He represents everything that is wrong with the Minneapolis police


Bob Kroll was selected by the rank and file of Minneapolis Police to be their representative and spokesperson

through the police union. Kroll has called police officers who have killed people “heroic,” has called Black Lives

Matter a “terrorist organization,” and recently called police on a Black reporter from the Washington Post,

despite being married to reporter, Liz Collin of WCCO. Bob Kroll also initially expressed public support for the

officers who brutally killed George Floyd, calling into question his fitness to lead Minneapolis police officers.

Several local unions have demanded that Bob Kroll resign. (Source:



It is clear that it is beyond time for new leadership that prioritizes the safety of Minneapolis residents above

protecting killer cops and creating more acrimony and division. It is clear that Bob Kroll must go! Please join us

in calling for his immediate removal from the Minneapolis Police Department and his role as Police Federation


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