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Doctor Anon's Hysterical Treatment Program (1901) by VK - By Zcreenburn on 20th December 2020 07:18:42 AM

-----------------------------Everyone in all my scripts are 18 years or older------------------------

 Doctor Anon's Hysterical Treatment Program (1901) by VK

 [F4M][MF][Literate Speech][Straight Sex][Victorian Times][Parody][Steam-powered vibrator][Cheating]? Really, her husband called the guy.

'Hysterical' woman gets cured with Victorian Medicine

With article and Movie links

"Good afternoon, Doctor Anon. <pause> Can you manage that heavy case or should I summon a servant? <pause> Very well. What is that thing? <pause> You shan't discommode me. You needn't trouble yourself over me at all! <pause> My husband is mistaken. Do I sound hysterical to you? You're not the idiot most of your ilk are, then. You do know that doctors are called whenever a woman raises her voice to her mate, or so much as drops a single tear? <pause> What wonderful machines? That? I did ask you to tell me....<pause> A vibration machine? How do you propose to apply this vibration to me? <pause as he unpacks the machine and a fold-able screen.> You can't mean to put that whole mechanical mass inside me! How much do you know about a woman's anatomy? <pause as he hems, haws, and explains the screen> I do not give a fig for what you see of my nethers. But what---? <pause> That not--very-slender reed goes in me and then the vibrations soothe the hysteria. <pause> Are you quite serious? Oh, hang my 'delicate sensibilities! Why don't you show some sense? <pause> I'm sure "many women" enjoy that immensely and I might as well if it wasn't part of large engine! <musing>--something miniature and able to be move around--<clears throat>


I understand your plan but I have an amendment to suggest.<sultrier> I think something should enter my nethers, but I reserve the choice of what or who. You are a very fit young man, Doctor and I would like you to cure me directly. <kissing> Shhhh...shhh...accept my kisses...that's it. I was still in my night clothes, when I was locked in here--easily discarded, but you are--yes, disrobe with alacrity! On the couch, I think, yes <more passionate kissing> That's a good idea. Turn on your machine. I am quite loud in my excitement and its clamour will mask us. Now you may enter me <grunt as he does> Yes, yes, I feel so much better now! Take me, Doctor, take me! <moaning and stuff in a Victorian manner> Do your best, Doctor. It's quite enough for--oh, yes. suckle my breasts! <moaning loud, remember she said she was loud> This is exquisite joy! Oh...Oh! Oh, Doctor! Set up...your great...great vibrations...deep in my womb...I...<improvise to loud orgasm> Ah! Yes, you mustn't spend in me! On my belly! Yes..yes....Mmmmm...<Satisfied chuckle> Oh, no shame, doctor. We did as we pleased and see how much more calm I am after your cure. I'm sure my husband will be pleased with the result. A word, though. If you tell him the details of your cure, I will never have another hysterical moment. But if you keep our secret, you can be the only physician I ask back. <pause> Not next week, I think, but the week after, to be sure. We understand each other do we, doctor? Excellent!




Thus ends our exploration of Victorian Medical Practices. This is a fictional story but the basic premise is true. For more on the subject: https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/all-about-sex/201303/hysteria-and-the-strange-history-vibrators

There's a movie too: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1435513/


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